Lecture 6 Flashcards
Explain kua
indicates both past tense, as well as indicating that something has started but may not yet be finished
Explain i
indicates past tense
Explain kei te
this is an absolute time marker that indicates present tense, continuous action and future tense
explain e … ana
this is a relative time marker that can be translated as past, present or future tense (was, is, will be), according to the context of the story
explain ka
this indicates future tense, or that something is happening next
How do you ask where someone is going?
kei te haere koe ki hea?
What is the structure of asking someone where someone is going?
tense marker
intransitive verb
what are some subject variations when asking where someone is going?
Instead of saying kei te haere “koe” ki hea?
you could put other personal pronouns, names, dual and plural personal pronouns or nouns
How would you ask where he/she/they are going?
Kei te haere ia ki hea?
How would you answer where he/she/they are going if they are going to the beach?
(long answer)
Kei te haere ia ki tātahi
How would you ask where us two are going?
Kei te haere tāua ki hea?
How would you answer where us two were going if we are going to Auckland?
(short answer)
Ki Tāmaki Makaurau
How would you ask where you (to two people) are going?
Kei te haere kōrua ki hea?
How would you answer where you (to two people) are going if they are going to uni?
(long answer)
Kei he haere māua ki te whare wānanga
How would you ask where are we (excluding the listener) are going?
kei te haere mātou ki hea?
How would you answer where are we (excluding the listener) are going if we are going to the rocks
(rock = toka)
(short answer)
Ki ngā toka
How would you ask where are you all going?
Kei te haere koutou ki hea?
How would you answer where are you all going if you were all going to his/her/their house?
(long answer)
Ki te haere mātou ki tana kāinga.
How would you answer where he/she/they are going if they are going to the beach?
(short answer)
ki tātahi
How would you answer where us two were going if we are going to Auckland?
(long answer)
Ki te haere tāua ki Tāmaki Makaurau
How would you answer where you (to two people) are going if they are going to uni?
(short answer)
ki te whare wānanga
How would you answer where are we (excluding the listener) are going if we are going to the rocks
(rock = toka)
(long answer)
Ki te haere koutou ki ngā toka
How would you answer where are you all going if you were all going to his/her/their house?
(short answer)
ki tana kāinga