Lecture 5 Flashcards
What are 6 verbal markers?
Kei te
E … ana
Kei te
present tense
indicates continuous action
action may not be finished
past tense
action happened at a certain point in time
can be past, present or future
the action happened at a certain point in time
E … ana
can be past, present or future
indicates continuous action
Where does the verbal marker go in the sentence?
What is the exception to this?
at the start
except e .. ana where it encloses the sentence
Kua horoi rātou i te motukā
they have washed the car
Ka horoi rātou i te motukā
What can it also mean?
they will wash the car
(can also mean they washed the car, or they wash the car)
she will see her family
see = kite
Ka kite ia i tana whānau
They (two people) had sung the song
Kua waiata rāua i te waiata
We (three or more, excluding the listener) will watch the game
watch = mātakitaki
game = kēmu
Ka mātakitaki mātou i te kēmu
The mother has talked to her child
talk = kōrero
kua kōrero te whaea ki tana tamaiti
The children have gone to school
gone = haere
kua haere ngā tamariki ki te kura
Mere and I will see her family
see = kite
Ka kite māua ko Mere i tana whānau
She has sung the song to her parents
Kua waiata ia i te waiata ki ana mātua
They (more than three) have washed the dishes
wash = horoi
dish = rīhi
Kua horoi rātou i ngā rīhi
Kua oho a Pita
Pita has woken up
Kua maranga a Mere
Mere has gotten up
Kua kai a Pita i tana āporo
Pira has eaten his apple
Kua tīmata a Anaru rāura ko Ani ki te waita
tīmata = begin
Anaru and Ani have begun to sing
Kua tīmata ngā kāmura ki te hanga i te whare
tīmata = begin
hanga = build
The builders have begun to build the house
Kua piki a Eru i te maunga
piki = climb
Eru has climbed the mountain
Ka haere te kōtiro ki te whare wānanga
The girl will go to university
Ka hoko te koroua i tētahi niupepa
The old man will buy a newspaper
ā tēnei ahiahi
this evening
ā tērā tau
next year
The mother will talk to her child
Ka kōrero te whaea ki tana tamaiti
They (2) will sing the song soon
ka waiata rāua i te waiata ākuanei
We (3 excl) will watch the game tomorrow
Ka mātakitaki mātou i te kēmu āpōpō
When do you use “i” and when do you use “ki”?
you use “i” if there is no direction or it is not an experience verb and you use “ki” if there is a direction or it is an experience verb
kua kite a Piri i/ki tana kuia
Piri has seen his grandmother
ka kata nga tamariki i/ki te kaiako
the children laughed at the teacher