Lecture 3 Flashcards
My book
Taku pukapuka
your keys
ō kī
his/her/their bag
tana pēke
my books
aku pukapuka
your key
tō kī
his/her/their bags
ana pēke
What is their name?
Their name is Meihana
Ko wai tana ingoa?
Ko Meihana tana ingoa
What are your two names?
Our names are Meihana and Tāniko
Ko wai ō kōrua ingoa?
Ko Meihana rāua ko Tāniko ō māua ingoa
What is your mum’s name?
My mum’s name is Lana
Ko wai te ingoa o tō māmā?
Ko Lana te ingoa o taku māmā
“Nō Tūranganui a Kiwa māua” is the answer.
What is the question?
What does the question mean?
Nō hea kōrua?
Where do you two live?
“Nō Aotearoa mātou” is the answer.
What is the question?
Nō hea koutou?
Where do you all (excludes the speaker) live?
“Nō Taranaki ia” is the answer.
What is the question?
Nō hea ia?
Where does he/she/they (one person) live?
“Kei Ōtepoti taku kāinga” is the answer.
What is the question?
Kei hea tō kāinga?
Where do you live?
“Kei Kirikiriroa tō rātou kāinga” is the answer.
What is the question?
Kei hea tō rātou kāinga?
Where do they (three or more, excluding the speaker and the listener) live?
“Kei Wānaka me Takapō ō rāua kāinga” is the answer. What is the question?
Kei hea tō rāua kāinga?
Where do they (two people, excluding the speaker and the listener) live?