Lecture 5 - Organisational (Leadership) Flashcards
What is the correlation of the five-factor model with leadership?
What is the correlation between intelligence and leadership?
0.27 - (Judge, Colbert & Ilies, 2004) - but what type of intelligence is being tested here? Social Intelligence? Abstract Intelligence?
What are the 5 theoretical approaches to leadership?
- Universalist theories
- Behavioural theories
- Contingency theories
- Path-goal theories
- Transformation and charismatic leadership
What is the Universalist Theory of Leadership?
It emphasises the leadership qualities common to all leaders.
The Trait Approach: believes that there are common traits and attributes shared by leaders
Behavioural Theories of Leadership?
Emphasis what leaders actually do on the job
What is the Blake and Moulton Leadership Grid
(concern for production, concern for people)
(1,9) - Country club: as long as everyone is happy - ironically, people get too concerned in the work not being performed that people become blaming of others and unhappy
(1,1) - Impoverished: mainly just aiming to maintain their job and seniority
(5,5) - Middle-of-the-road style: balanced style where they comprimise the business’ needs and the people’s needs
(9,1) - Produce or perish: focused on production, not people.
(9,9) - Team Style: seen as most effective - empowerment, commitment, trust
Contingency Theories
Mapping the characteristics of the leaders AND the situations
What are the three types of contingency theories?
- Fielder’s Contingency Model
- Path-Goal Theory
- Leader-Member Exchange Theory
What is Fieldler’s Contingency Theory?
The leadership style must fit in with the extent to which they can control the situation
The more control exercised by the leader, the more favourable the situation is for him
Path-Goal Theory
Leadership styles are fluid and they must adapt
Uses expectancy theory; they are outcome focused. They motivate subordinates by making them believe that value can be drawn from a serious effort
> Leader to identify the goals
Make those goals seem attractive
Then adapt their style to help the team best achieve those goals by directing guiding and supporting them
What are the 4 main leadership styles in the Path-Goal Theory
- Directive
- Supportive
- Participative
- Achievement Oriented
Leader-Member Exchange Theory
Looking at the mutual influence the leader has on the group
Leader differentiates subordinates in terms of their:
> competence and skill
> extent to which they can be trusted
> motivation to assume greater responsibility
Works on the idea that if the boss appreciates and trusts us then we are more likely to appreciate and trust the boss.
Charismatic vs Transformational Leadership
Charismatic: Follower perceives that the leader possesses exceptional characteristics. They have an aura about them and they are seen as somehow inspiring, unique etc.
Transformtional: Beyond just
Bass and Avolio 5 types of leadership
- Laissez-faire: Norman Dike in band of brothers
- Management by exception (passive): same as before, but if they see you do something wrong they will tell you about it
- Management by exception (active): walks around just looking for things that are wrong
- Transactional (Conditional Reward): you do this me for and ill look after you - sell 100 widgets and ill give you a rise
- Transformational: makes someone want to do something bigger than themselves
What are the 3 sub categories of the Bass and Avolio model
- Transformational
- Transactional
- Passive - Avoidant
What composes transformational leadership (four I’s)
- Idealised Behaviours
- Inspirational motivation
- Intellectual stimulation
- Individual consideration
Idealised Behaviours
Attitudes and behavours that the leader exerts
> actually deals with issues instead of just putting them to one side (passive)
> sacrifice self gain to gain of others
> transmits a sense of joint mission and purpose - we are in this together
> appeals to hopes and desires of followers
Inspirational Motivation
> convinces followers that they have the ability to achieve performance beyond what they though possible
sets and example for other to strive for
presents an optimistic and attainable view for the future
raises expectations by clarifying the challenges
thinks ahead
gives meaning to outcomes
Intellectual Stimulation
> encourage followers to re-examine their thinking and assumptions
takes past examples and applies to current problems
puts forward of listens to seemingly foolish ideas - ability to feel comfortable in brainstorming
Individualised Considerations
> Recognises individuals strengths and weaknesses and individualises roles for them
Shows interest in the well being of others
Promotes self-development
Assigns projects based on individuals talents and needs