Health Psyc 3 - Individual and Population Flashcards
What are the 3 different individual appraoches?
- Motivational Interviewing
- Problem solving approached and implementation planning
- Modelling and behavioural practice
What is motivational interviewing?
Person centred method aimed at enhacing INTRINSIC motivation to change.
What is the spirit of interviewing for motivational interviewing
Collaboration: pratictioner acknowledges expertise about themselves
Evocation: evoke the patients motivation for change - are you here to stop smoking for you or your baby?
Honoring Patient Autonomy: acknowledge the patients autonomy - its up to you
What is problem focused counseling
- Problem focussed exploration: break down problems into solvable and small, discrete units PRATICAL
- Goal Setting - setting clear behaviourally defined goals which are achievable
- Facilitating action
Mobilising the individual to overcome the problem
> dont want to hear advise, but instead listen and mobilise the help
What is modelling change?
People might lack the skills and behaviour to approach a solution
We observe others in similar cases
eg. I, a 45 year old woman, wants to get out there and exercise more - DONT model off a 18 year old male who exercises outside your house
Sanderson and Yopuk (2007) Modelling change condoms
Data showed that after watching a 30 minutes video on safe use of condoms, there was a higher self-efficacy and higher use amongst individuals
What are the population bases approached to behavioural change?
Mass media campaigns
What ar ethe 3 methods to maximise the use of mass media campaigns?
- Appropriate use of fear messaging - just because you increase the anxiety of a health issue doesnt mean that people will address the behaviour.
People need to know that they can actually engage in the solution and that it is available.
- Information Framing - negative framing may be more memorable, but positive framing may be processed at a deeper level.
- Specific targeting of information - target the specific age, demographic etc
For example, there is no use advertising a breast screening ad in the country where no matter how motivated someone is to get a screen they do not have access!
How can we use the environment to change behaviour?
Behaviour and behavioural change do not occur in isolation from the environment
A good environment should:
> provide cues to action - and remove unhealthy cues
> minimise the costs associated with the health behaviours
> increase the costs of engaging in health damaging outcomes eg smoking