Forensic - Detection of Deception Flashcards
What are the 3 types of lies?
- Outright lies
- Exaggerations
- Subtle lies
What are the 5 main reasons to lie?
- Gain personal advantage
- Avoid punishment
- Make a positive impression on others
- Protect from embarrassment/disapproval
- Sake of social relationships
What are the two major categories of lies?
Self-oriented and Other-oriented
What is the frequency of lying?
> Extroverts more than introverts - social desirability > Women tell more social lies > Depends on: personality and gender of the liar situation people with whom the lie is told
What are behavioural indicators of deception?
- Ekman’s emotional approach:
> reduction in non-verbal behaviour - Content Complexity: lying can be difficult -> different nonverbal behaviours for cognitively complex tasks
- Controlling behaviour - become too rehearsed and rigid.
What are content indicators of deception?
Statement Validity Assessment (SVA):
- Semi-Structured interview
- Criteria-based content anaylsis (CBCA)
- Evaluation of CBCA outcome via a set of questions
What criteria recieved the most supports?
criteria 3 - quantity of details
What are verbal indicators of deception?
- Higher pitch of voice
- Increased response latency
- Increased errors in speech
- Shorter length of description
What are nonverbal cues of deception?
- Decreased nodding
- Decreased foot and leg movements
- Decreased hand movements
What is a statement validity assessment (SVA)?
A series of tests to determine the credibility of testimonies.
What are the three components to a SVA
- Semi-structured interview
- Criteria based content analysis (CBCA) of transcribed account during interview
- Evaluation of account through a set of questions (validity check)
What is the Criteria based content analysis?
A list of 19 criteria in which trained evaluators judge the presence of each criteria. If the criteria is present then it strengthens the likelihood that they are not lying
Does SVA work?
Yes but still inconclusive to be able to tell for sure.
Best if combined with nonverbal observations and CBCA
What are the 3 factors of behavioural detection?
- Ekman’s emotional response
- Content complexity
- Controlling behaviours
What is harder to control, non verbal or verbal cues?
Non verbal ie behavioural
What are the four components to a criteria-based content analysis?
- General characteristics
- Specific characteristics
- Motivation-based
- Offense-related specific
What were the greatest Statement Validity Assessment factors?
When looking at the criteria-based content analysis, the best predictors were, factor 3 (quantity of details) and factor 4 and 6 (the reproductions of conversation)
What was the name of the researcher who looked into criteria-based content analysis?
Vrij (2005) - he reviewed the first 37 field studies and
Guides for catching a liar by Vrij
- Compare their report behaviour to their normal behaviour
- Probe deeper in each question
- Dont give away vital information
- Get them to repeat their statements
- Be suspicious