Lecture 4. Omasal and Abomasal Disorders Flashcards
What part of the cow GI is Located toward the right of the median plane and opposing the 7th and 11th ribs
What is the main function of the omasum
Provides large surface area for the absorption of :
➤ Volatile fatty acids
➤ Electrolytes
➤ Water
The omasum reduces _____ _____
feed particles
What is main primary disorder of the omasum?
Omasal impaction reported as single primary disorder
Feeding of rough fibrous feed during droughts or feeding machine-made wheat can causes this?
Omasal impaction
What are the clinical signs of omasal impaction?
➤ anorexia ➤ dehydration ➤ abdominal distention ➤ ruminal hypomotility ➤no palpable abnormalities of intestines ➤ empty rectum (no feces)
How do we diagnose omasal impaction?
Generally found on exploratory rumentomy when locate dissented omasum
How do we treat omasal impaction?
➤ Fluid therapy
➤ Supportive care
➤ Change diet
What is the only glandular organ of the abomasum and what does it secrete?
Abomasal (true stomach) hydrochloric acids and enzymes
What are some different stress factors can cause abomasal disorders?
➤ Higher stocking rate ➤ Parturition ➤ Retained fetal membranes ➤ mastitis ➤ metritis ➤ hypocalcemia
What different organisms can cause abomasal ulcers?
➤ H.pylori? ➤ Several studies but non conclusive ➤ Clostridium ➤ Campylobacter ➤ Streptococci ➤ Fungi ➤ C. Perfringens type A
List the different types of abomasal ulcers (2 main) and their (2 subtypes under each)
Non perforating ulcers
➤ Non bleeding ulcers(Type1)
➤ Major bleeding(TypeII)
Perforating ulcers
➤ Local peritonitis(TypeIII)
➤ Diffuse peritonitis(TypeIV)
Describe when we see Abomasal type 1 ulcers, what they are associated with, the CS, and when we dx them
➤ Periparturient period
Associated with LDAs, coliform mastitis, metritis
➤ ClinicalSigns
- Not severely affected
- Reduced feed intake, reduced milk production
- Darkened,soft to fluid feces, minimal anaemia
➤ Diagnosis ONLY at necropsy
Describe when we see Abomasal type 2 ulcers the CS and the main one, and when/how we dx them
➤ ClinicalSigns
- Black tarry feces and anemia*
- Sharp decline in milk production, depression, +/-appetite
-Rumen motility depressed (strength and rate)
➤ Diagnosis
-Profound anaemia (PCV<15%)
-Guaiac fecal occult blood test, detects 75 ml blood loss/day
Describe what Abomasal type 2 ulcers are associated with and the the age/ stage of lactation gestation, and how we suspect them
➤ Associated with lymphosarcoma
➤ >5 year old cows
➤ Any stage of gestation and lactation
How we suspect them
➤ More gradual blood loss
➤ detectable weight loss
➤ +/-enlarged lymph nodes
How do we treat type 1 and 2 abomasal disorders? What about surgery?
➤ Correct concurrent disease ➤ Reduce stress ➤ Correct dietary problems ➤ Severe anemia=restore blood volume ➤ IV fluids ➤ Wholeblood ➤min of 5L recommended (healthy cows can donate 8L) ➤ No cross matching needed ➤ Surgery NOT recommended ➤ Aciditymodifiers? ➤ Oral administration in effective ➤ Ranitidine(IV)can be given
What are the CS of perforating ulcer type III?
➤ Early postpartum ➤ Resemble TRP cows ➤ moderate febrile ➤ anorectic ➤ acute decrease milk
What are the CS of perforating ulcer type IV?
➤ MEDICAL ER ➤ Tachycardia (>120/min) ➤ complete rumen stasis ➤ Severe dehydration ➤ Recumbency with cold extremities
What diagnostic test will you use for dx perforating abomasal ulcers?
➤ Toxic changes in cells + intracellular bacteria
What do you see upon abdominocentesis with type III perforating abomasal disorders?
➤ neutrophilic leukocytosis and hyperprotenemia
➤ hyperglobulinemia
➤ hyperfrinogenemia
What do you see upon abdominocentesis with type IV perforating abomasal disorders?
➤ Severe neutropenia
➤ Severe hemoconcentration (>40%)
➤ hypoprotenemia
How do we treat perforating ulcers?
➤ Broad spectrum antibiotics
➤ Restricted exercise
➤ allow a firm adhesion to develop
Compare and contrast the prognosis of type 1-III ulcers to type IV?
➤ Type I-III
➤ Fair (unless associated with lymphosarcoma)
➤ Type IV
what side is often displaced with DA and describe the degree of rotation/location and presence of obstruction?
left 90%
➤ 180-degree torsion without volvulus
➤ rotation along its long axis ventral and to the left of the rumen
➤ little/no outflow obstruction occurs
Describe a right DA and describe the degree of rotation/location and presence of obstruction
➤ 180-degree torsion +/- volvulus
➤ rotation about the mesenteric axis
➤ outflow obstruction AND schema if gastric arteries or veins obstructed
➤ Genetics?
➤ 4-7 year old dairy cows
➤ 2 weeks of lactation
➤ Periparturient Dz
What are the months is it common to see a DISPLACED ABOMASUM during?
What are the disease is it common to see a DISPLACED ABOMASUM during?
What age, breed, and gender to see a displaced abomasum?
4-7 years old
Dairy mainly (guernsey)
98% female
Along with metritis, what other conditions contributes to DA?
Hypocalcemia Ineffective fiber Mastitis Dystocia Ketosis fatty Liver disease Genetics Dystocia
How do we dx DA? Indicate what the ping on the right versus the left say?
➤ Auscultation and percussion
➤ Left “ping”
Rumen gas?
➤ Right “ping”
Gas within spiral colon or
What do we use as the definitive diagnosis for DA
Abdominal exploratory
Along with auscultation and percussion what else can be sued with DA? What is the liptack test?
- Abdominal ultrsound
- Ph analysis of fluid aspirated from viscous in question
➤ Liptack test
➤ Centesis of area below the gas ping “abomasum”
➤ Fluid pH<4.5 = Abomasum
➤ Burnt almond odor of gas
There 2 ways to treat DA (MM and surgery) what do we do for MM?
➤ Usually in combination with
surgical correction
➤ Correct underlying cause
There 2 ways to treat DA (MM and surgery) what do we do for SX?
➤ Many options! ➤ Surgeon preference ➤ Direction of displacement ➤ Presence of adhesions ➤ Prior failures
- (roll and toggle)
- (right flank omentopexy)