Lecture 2: Reticuloruminal disorders Flashcards
Free gas bloat is a manifestation of an underlying _____ disorder and is usually _____ in occurance (typically __ animal)
- primary
- sporadic
- 1
______ bloat:
is a primary disease where ruminal gases are trapped in small bubbles withint abnromally viscous digest and is dependent on ______
Frothy; feedstuffs
What are the high risk forages for bloat? (4)
- Alfalfa
- Sweet clover
- Red clover
- Winter wheat
True or False:
- Lespedeza
- Birdsfoot trfoil
- Sainfoin
- Most perennial grasses
are all low risk forages for gassy bloat
they are indeed all low irks forages but for frothy bloat instead of gassy bloat
Where is bloat more pronounced at in terms of location?
Asymmetric abdominal distension most pronounced in the LEFT PARALUMBAR FOSSA
When a cow is restless, kicking at the abdomen, and rolling what does this indicate?
Abdominal discomfort….possibly due to bloat
True or False:
increased HR and RR can indicate bloat
a condition animals can die from defined as happening when the body is deprived of oxygen, causing unconsciousness or death; suffocation.
How long could acute bloat cause death in?
30-40 min
Okay so theres no resistence when passing the tube into the rumen, now you ask yourself was the free gas relieved and distension relieved yes or no what do they both indicate?
Yes it was relieved—–means free gas bloat
No it wasnt relieved means a frothy bloat
- When a cow has a frothy bloat and there are multiple animals and bloat provoking diet present it indicates what kind…?
- if not multiple animals and there isnt a bloat provoking diet causing the frothy bloat what does it indicate?
- yes? primary bloat
- No? omasal transport failure
What are some differentials for bloat diagnosis? (5)
- Ruptured bladder
- Hydroallantois
- Abomasal volvulus
- Mesenteric volvulus
You know theres an issue going on and there is resistance when passing the tube into the rumen and it actually enters the rumen…what does this indicate, if theres no resistance but yet is doesnt enter the rumen what does this indicate?
- resistance and can get to the rumen= esophageal disorder
- resistance but can’t get into the rumen=choke
What can you do for an animal in distress presenting for a bloat emergency
- Trocarization
- Rumenotomy
If the bloat is less severe and free gas what can we do to provide relief?
stomach tube
If the bloat is less severe and FROTHYwhat can we do to provide relief?
- Polaxalene
- Vegetable oils
- Dactyle sodium sulfosuccinate
If the free gas bloat occurs chronically what can we do for control and prevention?
- Chronic: temporary rumenotomy
- need to find the underlying problem
- check for oesophageal obstruction
- rumen fluid eval, oesophageal endoscopy, reticular US, exploratory laparatomy/rumenotomy
If the cow continues to get FROTHY bloat what can we do for control and prevention?
- Grazing management/adaption diets
- Poloxalene (top dressing, mineral block, liquid supplement)
- Ionophores (monensin and lasolocid)
Simple primary rumen indigestion is _____ in onset and is due to an abrupt _____ change that results in rapid _____ in rumen fermentation
Simple primary rumen indigestion is Acute in onset and is due to an abrupt dietary** change that results in rapid **decline in rumen fermentation
Chronic secondary rumen indigestion is from what?
result of another disease (endotoxemic infection, abomasal disease, metabolic dz)
What kinds of clinical signs do you see with primary acute rumen indigestion versus secondary?
- Primary
- acute anorexia
- rumen motility is reduced to absent
- D+ commonly observed within 24 hours
- Secondary
- Ruimnation absent
- Rumen underfilled
- Fecal production is depressed
- +/- D+
What are some different treatments for rumen indigestion? What if its mild?
- Mild: self correcting
Rumen transfaunation
- adapted to patients expected ration
- min 3L, 8-16 L best
- repeat after 2-3 days
Increase rumen fill
- 20-30 L of fluid
- Sodium potassium salts
- propylene glycol, niacin(ketosis)
- Alfalfa pellets (prolonged anorexia)
- 20-30 L of fluid
If cows on a dairy are constantly suffering from rumen indigestion, what as the vet are you going to recommened todo to one of the cows?
Put in a rumen fistula for easy access and assessment of feed daily to make sure it’s maintaining cows in good ruminal health!
When dissecting out the subcut. fat to put in a rumen fistula, what muscle do you incise through FIRST and what direction of the cut?
External Abdominal Oblique muscle (horizontal cut)
After incising through the external abdominal oblique muscle what muscle do you incise through next and direction is the incision?
Internal abdominal oblique muscle and transferse abdominal muscle incised (vertically)
after marking the circumference of the fistula on the rumen with ____ ____ stain, what stay sutures are placed and at what location and what type of suture?
- crystal violet stain
- sutures (horizontal mattress pattern) are placed at 12,9,6, and 3 o clock, using vicryl 3
what does it mean when 007 is applied around the fistula