Lecture 4: Interpersonal processes Flashcards
wat voor boodschap geeft een anxious parent door aan het kind
- the world is dangerous and something to avoid
- you do not have control or self-efficacy: you are helpless
wat was het experiment van parenting style
This is a test of your child’s ability.
We want to see how good he/she
is at thinking. Mum, you are going
to sit there for support and you
will have the answers for interest.
Most kids can do it but some find
it a bit hard to get going. You can
help if you think he/she really
needs it.
Feel free to give a letter to your
child, but only one at a time,
whenever you feel that you want
to. There is no particular rule- just
when you feel like it. You can help
when you feel he/she really needs
Anxious children: mothers were much more involved and also much more negative (“dont you see that you can do this??? come one!!) than in non anxious childern
wat is de verdeling van typische genderrollen in ouders
- moeder; meer caring, meer concerned
- vader; minder anxiety
the anxiety of the father is usually predictive of future anxiety of the child: because then the rough role is lacking
wat liet het experiment van gemixte moeders en kids zien
anxious children had much more involvement of the mothers, even if these mothers had nonanxious children themselves
dus een interactie tussen kind’s temperament en hoe de ouders deze kids behandelen
relatie tussen overprotection and anxiety
bidirectionally related!!!
waar leidt overprotection toe in het latere leven
low self-efficacy, external locus of control and low trust in others (attachment)
wat leren ouders hun kinderen via childhood maltreatment
they are not worth that much -> depression
waar leidt rejection, neglect en negativity toe
- seeing yourself as worthless
- insecure/avoidant attachment
- hopelessness
- problems with emotion regulation
attachment =
Attachment is a deep, reciprocal, physical and emotional relationship between a parent and a child that is permanent. This relationship forms the basis for all future intimate and trusting relationships.
“The central theme of attachment theory is that primary caregivers who are available and
responsive to an infant’s needs allow the child to develop a sense of security. The infant knows that the caregiver is dependable, which creates a secure base for the child to then explore the world.
strange situation test: secure attachment
greet/approach the caregiver, may maintain contact but are able to return to play
strange situation test: insecure/avoidant attachment
fail to greet and/or approach, appear oblivious to caregivers retunr and remain focused on toys, avoiding the caregiver
strange situation test: insecure/resistant attachment
extremely distressed by separations, cannot be soothed at reunions, displaying much distress and angry resistance to interactions with caregiver
strange situation test: disorganised attachment
behaviour with characteristics of both types of insecure attachments.
on the one hand: seek an approach to the parent, on the other hand this causes stress & anxiety for them
hoe zie je deze attachment terug in volwassenen
attachments blijven redelijk stabiel!!
secure in child = secure in adult
avoidant in child = dismissing in adult
resistant in child = preoccupied in adult
adult attachment secure =
characterized by a view of oneself as worthy of love, and a positive internal working model of attachment of others
dismissive in adults =
a view of oneself as competent and worthy of love, and a negative internal working model of attachment of others
fearful in adults =
they both doubt their own and others’ competence and efficcy, and are presumed not to seek help from others when distressed
preoccupied in adults=
doubt in one’s own competence and efficacy, and a positive internal working model of attachment of others
verschil avoidant en anxious individuals
avoidant = discomfort with intimacy, seek independence
anxious= fear rejection and abandonment
welke attachment hebben mensen met mdd/sad vaak
wat heeft meer invloed op social performance: negative beliefs of self-focused attention?
negative beliefs!!! (cognition -> behaviour)
what do we need from others? 6 dingen
- attachment
- social integration
- opportunity for nurturance
- reassurance of worth
- reliable alliance
- guidance
what do all of these 6 things provide
social integration
opportunity for nurturance
reassurance of worth
reliable alliance
attachment - sense of security and commitment
social integration - sense of companionship, shared concerns, activities
opportunity for nurturance - a sense of being needed
reassurance of worth - sense of competence, being valued
reliable alliance - sense of continuing assistance
guidance - obtain trustworthy advice
social behaviour fulfills 3 needs:
- need to belong
- need to be safe
- need for self-actualization
3 motivational systems
- soothing system
- threat system
- drive system
soothing system=
manage distress and promote bonding
= attachment
threat system =
threat detection and protection, better safe then sorry
= anxiety
drive system =
to motivate us towards resources
= status and competition
welke zijn de leukste mensen meestal
hoog op agency (power, mastery, assertion) en communion (intimacy, union, solidarity)
wat was het experiment met mensen op random manier een ‘lagere sociale status’ geven
- Not assertive
- Compliant
- Inhibition
- Avoid
- Little eye contact
- Negative mood
(heeft veel weg van sad!!)
wat liet dat experiment met sociale status zien
defense behaviour, in reaction to perceived social status.
submissive behaviour is safe: prevents interpersonal conflict with group members.
impression management=
when people meet new people, they perform impression management: give small details that form an impression they want to express.
Depression as reaction to perceived defeat=
Conservation of recourses; “live to fight another day.
waar zit sociale angst op de roos van leary
dissocation & passivity
wat is er met die 3 motivational systems
er kan er maar eentje tegelijk actief zijn!!!
hoe kan je dus sad genereren
door mensen te vertellen dat ze van lagere sociale status zijn
relatie submissive behaviour & sad
sad mensen laten veel meer submissive behaviour zien wanneer zij anxious zijn
wat kan je aan clienten vertellen met sad
sad heeft geen effect op hoe leuk mensen je vinden!
mensen vinden je verlegen, maar vaak wel nog aardig
waar gaat het depression interpersonal model over
vicious circle from searching for reassurance and rejection (want mensen met mdd kunnen soms reassurance zoeken, en doordat ze dit zo vaak vragen maar niet geloven, komt er uiteindelijk juist een gevoel van rejection)
kijken in schrift
people with anxiety and depression have more negative life events, but…
much more dependent and interpersonal events (zoals divorce: hier spelen meerderen een rol in)
social anxiety interpersonal consequences
- SA are judged in some situations as less friendly, relaxed and similar.
- Interactions with SA are sometimes experienced as less easy and pleasant.
- Interaction partners are less keen on future interactions with SA.
interpersonal consequences of depression
- Depressives frequently have relationship problems.
- Some studies find that people who exhibit depressive behaviour are more likely to be judged negatively.
- By excessively seeking affirmation, they are more likely to be rejected (but often not when they don’t!)