Depression: a cognitive perspective (LeMoult & Gotlib) Flashcards
depression and risk of depression are characterized by…
- operation of negative biases
- lack of positive biases
- self-referential processing
- interpretation
- attention
- memory
- maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies
- ook evidence for deficits in cognitive control over mood-congruent material
wat zei Beck over depression
depressive schemas, characterized by themes of loss, failure, worthlessness, and rejection, contribute to negative mood states in depressed persons
Beck’s original model of cognition and depression was the impetus for decades of research and theory. Bower’s work on mood and memory postulated that cognition is influenced by an interconnected network of nodes, each of which contains semantic representations that can be activated by external stimuli.
wat voor cognitive impairments hebben mensen met depressie
deficits in:
- executive functioning
- working memory
- processing speed
This is not surprising, as almost 40% of currently or formerly depressed participants have been found to experience impairment in at least one cognitive domain.
wat zegt research over de veranderingen in executive functioning
Researchers have postulated that executive functioning is impaired in depression, but empirical evidence has been mixed. Furthermore, data suggest that aspects of executive functioning (e.g., shifting) return to baseline after remission, suggesting that executive functioning deficits are concurrent, rather than stable and residual, characteristics of depression. To the extent that depressed individuals exhibit deficits in executive functioning, these deficits underlie depression-related difficulties in other domains of cognitive functioning, including deficits in the domains of memory, attention, and rumination. The link between depression and impairments in working memory is observed almost exclusively when attention is not constrained by the task. However, depressed individuals have the ability to perform at the level of healthy control participants in structured situations but have difficulty doing so when situations are unconstrained.
cognitive biases in depression
self-referential processing
congitive emotion regulation
more rumination
less reappraisal
less distration
even kijken naar dit model in schrift of samenvatting
okeeeee echt doen!
wat voor methodological shift
van self-report measures ->
- computer-based information processing tasks & eye-tracking technology
- cognitive bias modifcation methods (experimentally manipulating the presence of intensity of information processing biases, researchers are able to examine the effects of these alterations on mood, behaviour and other cognitive processes)
hoeveel depressed patients hebben impairments in at least 1 cognitive domain
executive functioning =
ability to plan, problem solve, inhibit the processing of information
hoe zit research nu op executive functioning in depression
researchers have suggested executive functioning is impaired in depressed individuals, but evidence has shown mixed feelings.
data suggests that aspects of executive functioning return to baseline after remission: meaning that deficits are concurrent, rather than stable and residual
working memory =
the ability to maintain or manipulate information across a short delay
research op working memory in depressed patients
er is een link tussen impairments WM en depression, maar alleen als:
attention is not constrained by the task (dus als de task niet te veel aandacht vereist) -> attention can therefore be focused on personal concerns and task irrelevant ideas.
-> depressed individuals have the ability to perform at the level of healthy individuals, in structured situations, but struggle doing so when situations are unconstrained or when they are left to their own initiative
processing speed ook mixed findings
cognitive biases research nu
individuals with depression/at risk for depression exhibit preferential processing of mood-congruent material across multiple forms of cognition
self-referential processing is thought to …
reflect an individuals negative cognitive schemas
hoe meten ze self-referential processing
via self-referential encoding task (SRET)
-> people are asked to judge whether certain emotional adjectives describe them.
negative schemas in SRET are associated with depression.
emotional stroop task =
people are asked to name the color of an emotionally valenced word, if they take longer to name the color of negative vs neutral words, a negative attentional bias is inferred.
wat zijn resultaten op de stroop task
niet echt iets, niet echt verschillen tussen depressed en niet depressed
wat is de dot-probe task
participants are asked to detect the location of a dot that has been presesnted behind either a neutral or an emotional stimulus.
attentional allocation is determined based on their reaction time.
wat liet de dot-probe task zien
verwachting: depressed patients would exhibit negative attentional biases: shorter responses to detect the dot when it appeared behind sad words, compared to happy stimuli.
maar; results differed per duration for which the stimuli was presented
en faces creased more negative bias than words.
-> depressed patients have difficulty disengaging from negative stimuli that has captured their attention
depressed individuals en ambiguous information
severely depressed individuals interpret ambiguous information as more negative than mildly or moderately depressed individuals (maar andere studies zeggen juist weer dat depressieve mensen de wereld meer zien zoals hij is, en anderen juist door een roze gekleurde bril)
wat is er met depression en mood
- depressed individuals: mood-congruent biases in memory (preferential recall for negative information). appear to be specific for depressed-related information (rather than just negative).
- beiden implicit en explicit memory.
- also difficulty inhibiting negative information from entering working memory
3 cognitive emotion regulation strategies
- rumination (meer)
- distraction (minder)
- reappraisal (minder)
thinking repetively and passively about negative mood states, or the cuases and consequences of negative mood
who are more likely to ruminate
females (hierdoor ook vaker depressie???)
wat is kritiek op distraction als coping
niet echt long term, en does not change the individuals ability to cope
reappraisal =
reinterpreting the meaning or interpretation of an emotion eliciting situation, in order to modify the emotional experience
dus 3 dingen waar depressie mee geassocieerd is
- cognitive biases in self-referential processing, attention, interpretation and memory
- the use of maladaptive vs. adaptive cognitive emotion strategies
- deficits in cognitive control over mood-congruent material (contributes to 1 and 2)
hoe heet de rumination theory
the response styles theory of rumination
the response styles theory of rumination =
individuals differ in their responses to negative mood states, and certain response styles exacerbate depressed mood and negative cognition.
impaired disengagement hypothesis=
impaired attentional disengagement from negative self-referent information
wat is de theory over working memory
difficulty inhibiting access of negative information into working memory, and removing no-longer-relevant negative content from working memory
wat is het effect van CBT
minder cognitive biases, reduction of biases in attention, interpretation and perceived control + leren van reappraisal
cognitive bias modification =
het direct veranderen van vooroordelen in cognitieve processen, zoals vooringenomen aandacht voor bedreigingsstimuli en vooringenomen interpretatie van ambigue stimuli als bedreigend.
mindfullness-based cognitive therapy=
combi van psychoeducatie, mindfullness meditation, cognitive behavioural strategies
emotional regulation therapy
integrates components of cbt, acceptance, mindfullness, and emotion-focused therapeutic techniques
focus on allowance, distancing, and reframing