Lecture 31 - Pharynx and Soft Palate Flashcards
From the base of the skull downwards, what are the parts of the Pharynx?
Laryngopharynx - c6 is lower border of cricoid cartilage
The muscles of the pharynx essentially…
close the posterior aspect of the nose mouth and larynx
What fascia runs deep to the pharynx muscles?
pharyngobasilar fascia - exposed in some areas
What are the constrictors and what is their role?
Contract sequentially during swallowing
Superior constrictor msucle - attaches to raphe over buccinator msucle
middle constrictor muscle - attachments along the hyoid bone
Inferior constrictor msucle - lamina of the thyoid cartialge
What is the Median raphe?
The posterior meeting point of the sling-like muscles from each side
cricopharngeus can be described as the lower part of ____ _____ ____ - functionally it does the same thing
inferior constrictor muscle - but gets a seperate branch from Vagus
What are the internal layer of muscles?
Saplinopharyngeus - attaches from opening of auditory tube down towards the pharynx
palatopharyngeus - attched to the soft palate contraction depresses the palate
stylopharyngeus - attached to styoid process (just anterior to the mastoid process), contraction elevates pharynx
the roof of the nasopharynx is formed by..
the body of the sphenoid
Contraction of the saplingopharyngeus causes..
pull the opening of the auditory tube - opens just enough to allow pressure equalisation
The tubule elevation is the…
mucosa over the top of the cartilagenous auditory tube
A swollen (adenoid) tonsil will change what,
the resonance of speech
can block airways
What are the borders of the oropharynx?
Superior: soft palate (with uvula)
posterior - superior constrictor muscle
lateral: palato-pharyngeal arch and palatoglossal arch, with palatine tonsil in between
floor: posterior 1/3 of tongue and eipglottis (including the space between them = vallecula)
palato-pharyngeal arch and palatoglossal arch are lined by,..
mucosa - over the top of palato-pharyngeal and palatoglossal muscle respectively
From the palatoglossal arch backwards is..
The epiglottis is pushed _______ when swallowing
posteriorly - its just cartilagenous
just lateral to the Ayepiglottic fold is a channel to allow liquid to pass over the larygeal inlet, what is it called?
piriform recess - fluid spills out over it (there isn’t enough force to push the epiglottis down itself)
The entire pharynx is innerved by…
CN9 (glossopharyngeal nerve)
Each area of the pharynx gets a reinforcement by the neighbouring sensory innervation, what are these?
superiorly, CNV2 - maxillary division
Vagus inferiorly (internal laryngeal nerve)
What is the nerve supply of the mucosa (sensory ) in the middle ear?
Gloosopharyngeal - it is originally an outpouching of the area, essentially an extension of the nasopharynx
What innervates most of the msucles in the pharynx, what is the exception?
pharyngeal braacnhes of Vagus
Except Sytlopharyngeus (CN9) - glossopharyngeal
What forms the soft palate?
muscle from midline - musculus uvulae - atached my the palatine aponeurosis to the hard palate (in particular the horizontal plate of the palatine bones)
True or False
The soft palate has a mucous membrane all around it
What is the function of the soft palate?
Seals nasal cavity during swallowing and coughing
Helps seal oral cavity during chewing to allow unimpeded breathing - Helps with sucking
Which 5 muscles support the structure of the soft palate?
Superiorly: Tensor veli palatini
Levator veli palatini - come in and attach from the lateral aspect, contraction causes elevation (work together) - also help with auditory tube
palatoglossus and palatopharygeus are the depressors of the soft palate
all these are considered pharyngeal muscles and hence are supplied by Vagus - one exception
what innervated the 5 muscles that support the structure of the soft palate?
all these are considered pharyngeal muscles and hence are supplied by Vagus -
one exception being Tensor veli palatini - trigeminal (t=for tensor, t=for trigeminal)
What is the fauces?
The space at the back of the oral cavity leading into the pharynx - food and air go through
What is waldeyer’s ring?
Incomplete ring of lymphoid tissue:
Palatine (important in priming the immune system but less important later on)
Lingual - on tongue
Swallowing is a serioues of contractions of muscles of the tongue, soft palate and pharynx t get a bolus of food frm our mouth into our stomach
What are the steps?
Phase 1:
1. Bolus is shaped and pushed by the tongue to the palate
- Soft palate descends and palatal arches are aprroximated t grip and push the bolus into the oropharynx
Phase 2 - protect the nasal cavity:
3. Soft palate elevated and tightened to prevent bolus entering nasal cavity
- Larynx and pharynx elevated to bring bolus closer to oesophagus
- Laryngeal inlet closed to prevent bolus from entering trachea
Phase 3:
6. bolus is pushed down the oropharynx and over the epiglottis
- Bolus forced down through laryngopharynx and into oesophagus
- Larynx depressed to return to normal position (mainly by elastic recoil)