Lecture 30 - Larynx & Phonation Flashcards
The larynx starts at the upper border of the ___
The larynx ends at the lower border of the ___
Lower border of cricoid cartilage
The laryngeal skeleton is formed by
a system of cartilages
At the top end is the hyoid bone
Down from that is the Thyroid cartilage (angl of which is the adams apple)
The next cartilge lump down in the cricoid cartilage
The thyroid cartilage has an _____ horn and.
superior and inferior horn
What on the thyroid cartilage articultes with the cricoid cartilage?
inferior horn
Thyroid cartialge is ______ posteriorly
deficient - for communication via the laryngeal inlet
The Cricooid cartilgate forms articulation for two oter cartilages called?
Arytenoid cartilages
Pyramidaly shaped
sit on the posterolateral aspect
What is the main movement of the Arytenoid cartilages?
Swivel movement - on an axis straight down through the triangle
contraction of muscle in one direction will swivel n the opposite direction
Arytenoid cartilages can also slide towards ___ _____
Arytenoid cartilages can also slide towards each other
where is the Thyrohyoid membrane
Between the Hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage
Epiglottic cartilage is attached to the ____ aspect of the thyroid cartilage and project up behind the ___bone.
What is its function?
Epiglottic cartilage is attached to the posterior aspect of the thyroid cartilage and project up behind the hyoid bone.
protect the inlet
Where are the vocal ligaments attached?
posteriorly: To the vocal process of arytenoid cartilage
Anteriorly:angle of thyroid (just below epiglottic cartilage)
the vaocal ligaemnts vibreate against each other to produce…
Where is the quadrangular membrane?
Between the Epiglottic cartilage and Arytenoid cartilage
What is the free superior edge of the quadrangular membrane called?
aryepiglottic ligament
What is the free inferior edge of the quadrangular membrane called?
Vestibular ligament - quite thick
So thickening at the top and bottom
The mucosa follows what course
membranes and ligaments - over the pharynx, hooks over the Aryepiglottic - goes arond Quadrangular membrane, under the vestibular ligament
The Vocal fold is referred to as the…
True vocal cord
Why is the vestibular fold referred to as the flase vocal cord?
The first ones you see looking down- but doesn’t produce sound, more to do with protection of the true vocal cord
Vocal ligaments need to _____ for phonation and _______for breathing
Vocal ligaments need to adducted for phonation and abducted for breathing
What do the intrinsisc muscles of the larynx do?
alter the position of vocal ligaments
Which intrinsuc muscle allows abduction
posterior Cricoarytenoid - pulls muslce processes together, because of the swivel, the vocal ligaments will abduct
What does the Transverse and oblique arytenoidsmuscle do?
opposite to posterior CA
pulls muscle processes away form each other, therefore swivel the vocal pocesses towards each other - adduction (producing sound)
What msucle, which lies near the epiglottis, brings the arytenoid cartilages together
Transverse and oblique arytenoids
Which muslces produce aduction of the vocal ligaments
Transverse and oblique arytenoids
Transverse and oblique arytenoids
Vocalis and Thyroarytenoid do what when they contract?
Will pull the thyroid closer to the arytenoid, therefore make the vocal ligament more lax - lower frequency sounds
Which muscle helps produce high pitch sounds?
Cricothyroid - attached to front of cricocartliage and back of lamino of thyroid cartilage
contraction pulls the whole thyroid cartilage forward - stretches the ligaments - high pitch
Recurrent laryngeal supplies all of the muscles of the larynx except…
Cricothyroid - which is done by External larygeal (branch of superior laryngeal)
What does the sensory mucosa supply?
internal larygeal (another branch of the superior laryngeal)
A hoarse voice, caused by incomplete adduction is caused by damamge of what nerve?
Recurrent laryngeal - hoarse voice and stridor (effort in talking)
Where is the blood supply most significant to the larynx?
The thyroid gland sits directly lateral to the trachea, small part is anterior to it.
Therefore - the area below the thyroid gland is very vascular
What does superior blood supply?
superior thyroid vessels
inferior branches from below
Where is the best position to put an emergency airway?
cut through the cricothyroid membrane
Consider the path of intubation tube for artificial ventilation