lecture 3 Responsibility and corporations Flashcards
Three aspects of corporate social responsibility
is a type of responsibility
within a social sphere
allocated to corporations
a large company or gruop of companies that is controlled together as a single organization
an organization,especially a business, that has a legally separate existence from the people who run it
Responsibility (I)
an agent is morally responsible for the morally significant outcome of their actions in a way that is assessable in the shape of praise or blame
Not responding to teammates messages, which results in a poorer presentation and hence a worse grade
Praise and blame
Two types of responsibility
Forward looking responsibility: we have responsibilities in the future things that we have duty to
Backward looking responsibility: we also can be responsible for things that went well, or went wrong
You only have responsibility if
you had the power and freedom to do otherwise
You are an agent - someone (something) that acts
Corporate social responsibility
The ethical responsibility that corporations have towards society
E.g. environmental responsiblity
Responsibility towards employees
Political responsibility
Most people are individual agents
A company is a group agent
it has a collective aim taht is distinct from the sum of individual aims
It acts as an entity
it makes decisions
Just like football teams, music bands or governments
Corporations can hold moral responsibilities
backwards-looking responsibility to compensate the victims of an oil spill
Forward-looking responsibility to invest in safety measures to avoid oil spills
Responsibility to who and for what?