lecture 3 (corporate citizenship approach and beyond) Flashcards
Corporate citizenship approach
a company has a moral responsibility to protect rights that they can protect, but governments fail to protect
Corporate citizenship approach aim
To protect social, politiccal and civil rights that governments fail to protect
Gives the firm a political role
Reasons for CC
privitization of social needs (electricity, eduction, health care) and common resoureces (provision of clean water)
Governments are unable (less dev. countries) or unwilling to address social needs and secure social rights
Governments have limited power on global problems (climate change, internet privacy)
Different rights
social rights: safety, access to education, healthcare
Civil rights: free speech, gender equality, etc.
Political rights: Political participation (right to vote, etc.)
A company that is a good corporate citizen sometimes aids governments, sometimes works against them (problematic regeime) or steps in when governments dont act
Two complementary definitions of CSR
1) csr as a shared responsibility of companies towards human development in the long term and
2) As a direct liability model towards each human being directly impacted by a given companys activity
Capability approach
according to sen, what really matters is not the income, but how people manage to turn income into freedom. The real indicator of equality should be freedom
Real(effective) freedom to pursure well-being
Capability approach martha nussbaum (ten capabilities)
Bodily health
Bodily integrity
Practical reason
senses, affiliation, other specifics, play, controll over ones…
Key concept capability approach
capabilities: doings and beings people can choose (feeding oneself, getting a career, enjoying free time
functionings: capabilities that have been realised
(having a job that allows free time that is protected by the government
Threshold: minimum requirements that have to be met by governments
The weekly paper shows how we can answer the questions of CSR with the capability approach as a framework