Lecture 27: Integument 3 Flashcards
List 2 pantropic viruses that affect the skin
distemper: hyperkeratosis of paw pads/hardpad disease and pustular dermatitis
feline calcivirus (
List the vesicular diseases and which species are affected
pigs only
- swine vesicular disease
- vesicular exanthema of swine
FMD - ruminants/pig
vesicular stomatitis
- horses/ruminant/pig
List some of the lesions common to pyoderma
affecting the pidermis and upper follicle
epidermal collarette
suppurative luminal folliculitis
What is intertrigo
skin fold pyoderma
when there is excess skin folds/moisture/friction
Define impetigo. What is the causative agent and risk factors?
primary superficial bacterial infection
coagulase (+) staphylococcus
- moisture
- dirty enivro
- abrasion
- parasite
- poor nutrition
What animals are commonly affected by impetigo? What are the lesions
young pre-puberty dogs
non-follicular pustules
in inguinal and axial areas without pain or pruritus
If you suspect dermatophilosis, where should you take your sample from?
sample the crust of the lesion
bacteria are commonly found in the crust
- dermatophilus congolesis
What are the common causative agents for abscesses in cats/dogs, horses/small ruminants, and cows/small ruminants/pigs
- pasturella multocida
horses/small ruminants
- corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
cows/small ruminants/pigs
- truperella pyogenes
What is the causative agent for lumpy jaw
Actinomyces bovis
What is the causative agent for wooden tongue
Actinobacillus ligneresii
What is dermatophytosis? What are the causative agents
List 3 types of autoimmune conditions affecting the skin
pemphigus foliaceus/vulgaris
bullus pemphigoid
Can you use histology to diagnose atopic dermatitis
Can you use histology to diagnose food allergy HS
What causes discoid/cutaneous lupus? What are the associated lesions
UV light changes the antigens in the skin
autoimmune reaction stimulated
result in interface dermatitis
cause alopecia/scale/erythema/crust/depigment
target basal cells
What is another name for acryl lick dermatitis? What are the risk factors?
hot spots or pyotraumatic dermatitis
risk: allergy/parasites/fleas
can predispose to secondary pyoderma and deep folliculitis
Ingestion of what plant can lead to chemical injury of the skin? How?
ingestion of toxic alkaloids (ergotamine)
stimulate adrenergic nerves = vasoconstriction
causing thrombosis and ischemic necrosis = gangrenous ergotism
cold temp will worsen (more vasoconstriction)
What are the common clinical signs of endocrine related skin disorders
bilateral symmetrical alopecia
secondary seborrhea and pyoderma
What is the impact of hypothyroidism on the integument
seborrhea/dry and brittle hair
alopecia in areas of friction (tail)
What is the impact of hyperadrenocorticism on the integument
calcinosis cutis
bilateral symmetrical alopecia
What is the impact of PPID on the integument
coarse and shaggy hair
What is hyposomatotropism
reduced growth hormone production due to reduced development of cells in the pituitary
- due to cyst in the sella turcica
causing congenital pituitary dwarfism
What is hypersomatotropism
excess growth hormone causing thick and myxedematous skin
What is the impact of hyperestrogenism on the integument? What causes hyperestrogenism?
- male: sertoli cell tumor
- female: polycystic ovaries
symmetrical alopecia
dry/dull hair coat
What is the impact of alopecia x on the integument? What animals are affected
adrenal sex hormone alopecia
1-2 yo dogs with fluffy coats (pomeranians) without underlying disease (cushings/hypothyroid)
symmetrical alopecia on perineum/belly/thorax
What type of malnutrition has an impact on hair quality
protein-energy malnutrition
What nutritional deficiencies can cause hyperkeratinization
- Zn dermatosis
- VitE/Se dermatosis
- superficial necrolytic dermatitis
What nutritional deficiencies can cause hypopigmentation
- Cu deficiency
- Molybdenum toxicity
What are 3 major abnormalities that are associated with seborrhea? What are the associated lesions
altered keratinization
altered surface lipids
altered microbe flora
What is a cause of primary seborrhea? What animal does it affect
canine juvenile cellulitis
- on face
- 3 week - 4mo puppies
- no microbes associated
What is a major cutaneous manifestation of systemic disorders in horses
What is a common cause of eosinophilic and collagenolytic dermatides?
feline eosinophilic syndrome