Lecture 18: Respiratory 3 Flashcards
What are the steps to diagnosing pneumonias
- ensure it is lung disease
- differentiate from agonal breathing before death, anemia, or acidosis
- legs may be in a basewide stance in increase respiratory ability - examine the lung
- necropsy or biopsy
- rad/CT/MRI
- hemogram/biochem/culture + sens/blood gas
List 7 main causes of pneumonia. Give examples.
viral (many - herpes common)
bacterial (mycoplasma/mannheimia/pasturella/tuburculosis)
fungi (opportunistic - aspergillus or systemic)
toxin (uncommon - increase risk of bacterial infection)
parasite (lungworm)
allergy (feline asthma syndrome or allergic bronchitis/RAO)
other - aspiration
Define complex/enzootic pneumonia
viral infection followed by a bacterial infection causing pneumonia
What is another name for bovine respiratory disease complex? What animals does it mainly effect?
shipping fever
3d-3weeks after cattle arrive to feedlots
What causes BRDC
enviro + host + pathogen factors
- stress
- immunity
- temp
- humidity
- metabolic acidosis (from diet)
- many pathogens
Explain the 2 hit theory and provide examples
- viral infection
- bovine respiratory syncytial virus
- bovine parainfluenza virus
- infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (herpesvirus 1) - secondary bacterial infection from opportunistic pathogen
- mannheimia haemolyticum
- pasturella multocida/histophilus somni/mycoplasma bovis
this results in bronchopneumonia with/or without fibrin
What animals are targeted by enzootic pneumonia of calves? What causes it?
<6mo calves (dairy > beef)
- nutrition
- ventilation
- density
- failure of passive immunity transfer
- many agents via the 2 hit theory
What is the gross lesion associated with enzootic pneumonia of calves
What is the pathogenic mechanism of bovine respiratory syncytial virus
It impair alveolar macrophage function resulting in increased risk for secondary infection
What is the gross lesion resulting from bovine respiratory syncytial virus
bronchinterstitial pneumonia
cranioventrally it is deep red atelectasis and rubbery
caudodorsally it is voluminous, heavy, and fails to collapse
require histo to dx
What is a common differential for bovine respiratory syncytial virus and why?
bovine parainfluenza virus 3
because they both have bronchoalveolar epithelial syncytia +/- intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions
they are both grossly a mixed pattern of pneumonia
What is the gross lesion associated with bovine parainfluenza virus 3
broncho interstitial pneumonia
cranioventrally it is red-grey atelectasis and rubbery
caudodorsally it is emphysema
require histo to dx
What are the main histologic lesions of bovine parainfluenza virus 3
necrosis of airway epithelium
same bronchoalveolar epithelial syncytia +/- intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions of BRSV
Where does mannheimia haemolyticum come from?
commensal in nasopharyx
What are the gross lesions associated with mannheimia haemolyticum infection
fibrinous bronchopneumonia
well demarcated necrosis on cut section
What is a characteristic feature of mannheimia haemolyticum in histology
oat cells
- lysed neutrophils
lysing on neutrophils due to leukotoxin
What is a common differential for mannheimia haemolyticum
Bibersteinia trehalosi
because it also produces a leukotoxin and can produce oat cells
Where does pasturella multocida come from
commensal in nasopharynx
What are the gross features of pasturella multicida infection
bronchopneumonia classical to brdc
- dark red firm consolidated lungs
- can have fibrin and pleuritis
- well demarcated
- no coagulative necrosis
At necropsy you are presented a cow with cranioventrally well demarcated, dark, red, consolidated lungs with fibrin. What is the condition affecting the lungs called? What are 3 bacterial species that you should suspect and how to confirm which one it is?
Pasurella multicoda
Mannheimia haemolyticum
Histophilus somni
need to culture to distinguish
Pasturella usually doesn’t have necrosis whereas Mannheimia does
Where do you get histophilus somni
commensal in upper resp
What are some common consequences of Histophilus somni infection
thromboembolic meningoencephalitis
Which pneumonia-causing bacteria lacks a cell wall
What diagnostic testing should you use if you suspect Mycoplasma
use PCR rather than culture
They are very slow growing so it makes culturing them difficult - fast results via PCR
What is an important pathological mechanism of Mycoplasma
they adhere to respiratory epithelium and cause cilia stasis
- inhibit the mucociliary apparatus
What are the common consequences/gross lesions of Mycoplasma bovis infection
caseonecrotic bronchopneumonia with abscesses
- cranioventral distribution with multifocal white raised well demarcated foci of caseous necrosis
otitis media
also mastitis and secondary infection via Truperella pyogenes
it causes a more chronic infection vs other causes of BRDC
A bison is submitted for necropsy, you find bronchopneumonia and abscesses. What is a top differential?
Mycoplasma bovis
- causes severe disease in bison
What animals are targeted by Mycoplasma bovis
List 3 main Mycobacterium species in vet med
tuberculosis via M. bovis or M. tuberculosis
johnes via M. avium tuberculosis
leprosy via M. lepraemurium
If you suspect Mycobacteria, how should you confirm/diagnose it
use an acid fast stain
dont use a gram stain because there is too much lipid
What is the gross presentation of Mycobacterium
tubercles in the retropharyngeal, tracheobronchial, and mediastinal* LN
- nodular mineralized granulomas
lung lesions are only in 10-30% of cases - usually in caudal lobes
What are the 3 characteristic histologic features of a tubercle from Mycobacterium
central necrosis +/- mineralization
small amounts of acid fast bacteria in tubercle/in macrophages
rim of epithelioid macrophages and multinucleated giant cells
What type of pneumonia does tuberculosis cause
What animals are the wildlife reservoir for tuberculosis
cervids and bison