Lecture 25: Immune/Lymphatic System II Flashcards
Capsule of thymus
Contains blood vessels - efferent lymphatics present but NOT afferent; extends trabeculae into parenchyma
Trabeculae of thymus
Delicate connective tissue that divides thymus into incomplete lobules
Lobules of thymus
Composed of outer/darker staining cortex and inner/lighter staining medulla
Cortex of thymus lobules
epithelial reticular cells that secrete thymosin; T cells in various stages of differentiation; blood vessels surrounded by continuous epithelial barrier that allows thymus to maintain lymphopoiesis while segregated from antigens
Medulla of thymus lobules
Specialized to allow entry channel into blood stream of mature lymphocytes, leaky capillary beds; Hassall’s corpuscles: whorls of highly keratinized medullary epithelial cells producing cytokine thymic stromal lymphopoietin
What is the source of thymosin?
Epithelial reticular cells in the cortex of the lobules
Hassall’s Corpuscles
Whorls of highly keratinized medullary epithelial cells that produce lymphopoietin, which stimulates thymic dendritic cells needed for maturation of single positive T cells
Double negative T cells
IMMATURE: lack CD4+ and CD8+ cells, enter cortex from blood vessels, proliferate in subcapsular space
Double positive T cells
Move to outer cortex of thymus and are confronted with epithelial cells with cell surface MHC classes I and II; express BOTH CD4 and CD8 coreceptors and TCR receptors
Single positive T cells
Move to inner cortex and express either CD4 or CD8 coreceptors and TCR receptors (Mature)
Foxn1 gene
Transcription factor that controls differentiation of thymic epithelial cells into either cortical or medullary cells
Aire gene
Transcription factor that promotes expression of a portfolio of tissue-specific cell proteins by thymic medullary epithelial cells (which normally do not express these proteins) - these proteins identify and dispose of autoreactive T cells
Keratin 5+
Expressed only in MEDULLARY THYMIC epithelial cells
Keratin 18+
Expressed only in CORTICAL THYMIC epithelial cells
Blood Thymus Barrier
Located in the thymic cortex and prevents antigens in blood from reaching developing T cells; leaky during fetal life allowing for development of immunologic tolerance to self-antigen
What are the functions of the spleen?
Filtering blood and screening for foreign material in blood
White pulp
Elongated, branched strands associated with arteries, zones of diffuse lymphoid tissue and germinal centers, site of clonal expansion of antigen-stimulated lymphocytes; B cell area contains secondary follicles in which central arteriole is off center; T cells in areas surrounding central artery near center of white pulp
Periarterial Lymphatic Sheath (PALS)
Cluster of T cells in areas surrounding central artery near center of white pulp
Marginal Zone
sinusoidal interface between red and white pulp with abundance of antigen-presenting cells; lymphocytes first encounter antigens here. activated T-helper cells activate B cells here
Red pulp
Surrounds white pulp and makes up 80% of the spleen, filters BLOOD, large number or RBCs; Billroth cords form red pulp parenchyma, contain venous sinusoids which store healthy RBCs
Billroth cords
Open circulation system in RED PULP which contains blood cells, plasma cells, antigen presenting cells and contain terminal capillaries which open directly into substance of cords; this allows macrophages to “grab” worn out/defective RBCs