Lecture 20 - 2 Flashcards
what type of plant are strawberry plants?
herbaceous perennial
what needs to be done during the est year of strawberries?
remove flowers to promote production of stolons (runners)
Train stolons into row
Focus on primary stolons
protect with mulch for ov`erwintering
Straw or hay used to keep berries clean
what type of plant are raspberry plants?
Herbaceous to partially woody perennial
where do the summer or june-bearing raspberry fruits appear on the plant? what occurs once they appear?
previous year’s shoots
the cane dies
what are the types of stawberry plants? (3)
when do june-bearing strawberry plants produce fruit?
when do ever-bearing strawberry plants produce fruit?
produce two crops – one in July and one in late summer
when do day-neutral strawberry plants produce fruit?
produce multiple crops on ~ 6 week cycles
what type of strawberry plant is the most common?
what type of strawberry plant has well-adapted varieties?
what are the types of raspberry plants?
summer or june-bearing
fall or ever-bearing
when & how do fall or ever-bearing raspberry plants produce their fruit?
fall on end of this year’s shoots
next summer on middle of the same stems and then the cane dies
after what year do the raspberry canes die?
what needs to be done when the raspberry canes die?
when should pruning of raspberry plants begin?
3-4 years after est
how can you remove shoots if you have a lot of room?
mow everything down & let new shoots grow for next season
Harvest only on non-mowed section in any given year for __________-________ types
June- bearing
when you harvest depends on:
how you will consume product
storage and preservation capacity
what type of harvesting results in over-sized products?
harvesting overdeveloped produce
do overdeveloped harvest store well?
how does over-developed produce effect taste?
compromises taste, may not be suitable for intended use
what are the benefits of fresh storage?
maintains quality & integrity of product
prevents spoilage
prevents illness
May be used to further ripen some products
rewards your time & monetary investment
how should vegetbables be stored?
refrigerated (4C) as soon as possible after harvest to maintain freshness and flavour
how should beets, squash & carrots be harvested?
leave top of stem intact
what vegetables require cool (1-4C) & not free moisture in storage?
Cabbage, Chinese cabbage, celery and potatoes
what vegetables require cool (1-4C) & not free moisture in storage?
Cabbage, Chinese cabbage, celery and potatoes
what happens if potatoes are stored in too cold of temps?
will develop sweet flavour due to conversion of starch to sugars
how should tomatoes be stored?
in fridge when fully ripened