lecture 2- bones and joints of the upper limb Flashcards
axial skeleton
ossicles, skull, hyoid bone, rib cage, vertebral column
appendicular skeleton
shoulder girdle, plevic area, hand, foot, lower limbs
bones of the upper limb
clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
major joints of the upper limb
sternoclavicular joint
acromioclavicular joint
scapulothracic joint
shoulder joint
elbow joint
proximal and distal radioulnar joint
wrist joint
classifications of joints
immovable: synarthroses -skull, pelvic
semi-moveable: amphiarthrosis -intervertebral joints and pubic symphsis
fully moveable: diaorthosis -elbow, hips, knees
classification of joints system 2
: by structure
immovable no joint space
structures of the skull
-cartilaginous joints:
band of thick cartilage in the joint space. some movement lots of stability
-synovial joints
have joint capsules containing synovial fluid, supported by ligaments
degrees of freedom:
a direction in which an independent motion can occur
3 translational DoF:
a body segment may move or translate:
-foward/back (anterior/posterior)
-up/down (sup/inf)
-left/right (med/lateral)
3 rotational DoFs:
a body may rotate
-about the sagittal axis
-about the frontal axis
-about a transverse axis
of DoF:
plane joint
action possible:
of DoF: 2
action possible: sliding and gliding
example: foot bones
hinge joint
action possible: flexion extension
DoF: 1
example: elbow
condyloid joint
action possible:
action possible: circumduction
DoF: 2
example: radius and carpal joints
saddle joint
action possible:
action possible: bones are molded at 90 degrees
DoF: 2
example: carpal
pivot joint
action possible:
action possible: bones wrap around a surface
DoF: 1
example: C1 and C2 verterbrae
ball and socket
action possible:
action possible: backward, forward, sideways, and rotating movements
DoF: 3
example: hip joint
sternoclavicular joint
bones involved:
motions possible:
type of joint:
bones involved: clavicle/ sternum
motions possible: elevation/ depression
axial rotation
type of joint: saddle
acromioclavicular joint
bones involved:
motions possible:
type of joint:
bones involved: clavicula, scapula
motions possible: slidling and gildling
type of joint:plane
scapularthoracic joint
bones involved:
motions possible:
type of joint:
bones involved: scapula, throastic wall
motions possible: slide+ glide
type of joint:plane
glenohumeral joint
bones involved:
motions possible:
type of joint:
bones involved: humerus, scapula
motions possible: circualr, flexion/extension, AB and AD duction, med/lateral rotation
type of joint:ball and socket
elbow joint
bones involved:
motions possible:
type of joint:
bones involved: humerus, radius
motions possible: felxion/extension
type of joint:hinge joint
wrist joint
bones involved:
motions possible:
type of joint:
bones involved: radius, carpal
motions possible: flextion/extension, abduction,adduction
type of joint:condyloid joint
joint stability
refers to the resistance to motion that joint is able to provide
joint mobility
is the amount of movement that a joint is capable of moving through before being restiricted by surrounding tissues
what factors may limit joint mobiliy
- bony structure
2.joint capsule/ ligaments
3.muscualr restraints
4.limitations casued by other tissues
factors affecting joint stability
- boney structures
- ligaments/joint capsules
- muscualr restraints