Lecture 17 Flashcards
discuss some characteristics of papillomaviridae
characteristics of papillomaviridae
small double stranded
circular DNA
can progress into a papillomas (wart) and become a squamous cell carinomas
very stable genomes with low mutation rates
host specific (won’t infect other hosts)
replicate quickly
persistence, this occurs via the virus altering
-inhibiting apoptosis
-inhibiting immune signalling
-increasing cellular proliferation
How does a papillomavirus infect cells
papillomavirus infect cells
- entry @ micro-trauma
- bind basement membrane
- capsid conformational change
- bind basal keratinocyte
- basal keratinocyte entry
How is papillomavirus treated
papillomavirus treatment
most of the time the papillomavirus infection will just fuck off
Briefly discuss bovine papillomavirus
Bovine papillomavirus
infection causes mucocutanoues papillomas that develop on the haired skin
warts are common
For Equine papillomavirus infection, whats does it produce and states its locations
Equine papillomavirus infection
produces squamous cell carcinomas
usually occur in ocular region and external genitalia
What causes equine sarcoids
Equine sarcoids
caused by bovine papillomavirus (BPV1&2)
List the 6 types of equine sarcoid
types of equine sarcoid
-Occult; flat, hairless
-Verrucose; grey scabby/warty
-Nodular; multiple, discrete
-Fibroblastic; fleshy masses can be thin or wide
-Mixed; mixture of 2 or more types
Malevolent; very rare, aggressive tumour which spreads through the skin.
How do you treat sarcoids
treat sarcoids
there is really no treatment and they have a high chance of recurring
List the clinical signs canine parvovirus
clinical signs canine parvovirus onset of bloody diarrhoea vomiting anorexia fever depression lymphopaenia morality is high
Discuss the pathogenesis of canine parvovirus infection
infection occurs through direct oronasal contact with infected shit or indirectly through infected formats (environment)
early uraemia results in infections of the tonsils and therefore the infection will reach the intestinal epithelium, bone marrow and thymus.
The virus causes immunosuppressive
Explain the treatment and prevention of canine parvovirus infection
treatment; dogs die from pavo in 2 ways; another infection of dehydration
so the way to treat it is to restore fluid and prevention of secondary bacterial infection.
CPV-2; its a core vaccine
must do multiple boosts because the maternal ab will remove and leave the puppies vulnerable
its an attenuated vaccine
very resistant in the environment can survive for years
How do you diagnosis canine parvovirus infection
diagnosis canine parvovirus infection
Elisa and immunochromatography for ag detection
For Feline panleukopaenia what causes it
caused by feline parvovirus (FPV)
oronasal exposure via faeces, secretions or contaminated fomites
spread transplacentally to cause embryonic resorption, fatal mummification, abortion or still births.
For Feline panleukopaenia list the clinical signs
Feline panleukopaenia clinical signs depression anorexia vomiting Diarrhea (causes dehydration) prevention and diagnosis very resistant in the environment its a core vaccine can cause a false negative which is canine Parvo
Porcine parvovirus state the transmission route
hosts and what occurs
Porcine parvovirus
infection occurs through faecal orally route
effects gilts
if infection occurs 30 days before it can lead to embryonic losses
30-70 days is abortion and mummification
70 days the become persistent
can infect each piglet different in the same litter.
What 2 syndromes are causes by Porcine circovirus 2
caused by Porcine circovirus 2 the systematic disease
causes post weaning multisystemic casting syndrome which causes poor growth and signs cause coughing, breathing difficulties
Porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome
For chicken anaemia virus state host
clinical signs
Chicken anaemia virus only effects chickens transmission occurs via fecal oral route increases virulence of other disease clinical signs severe anaemia generalised lymphoid atrophy sc and IM haemorrhages serve immunosuppression