Feedback session Flashcards
What is a Altered form of protien that attack the CNS causes neuronal degeneration

Feline calicvirus

Bovine Papillomarvirus

Bovine alphaherpesvirus 1
bovine viral diarrhoea virus
bovine parainfluenza virus 3
bovine respiraotry syncytial virus
bvone coronavirus

Canine parainfluenza virus

equine infectious anemia virus

Infectious bronchitis virus

Vesicular exanthema of swime virus

E responsible for bding the virus to host cells

D- retroviridae

D bats

D the synthesis of mRNA in the cytoplasm of the hostl cell, translation of protein including RNA dependent RNA polymerase

B) virus using a cell to cell spread meothod of replication in the host

D) a virus which lost its pathogenicity but not its antigenicity
D) serum- neutralisation of the virus using specific antibodies agaisnt each of the 10 serotypes to see which one is best at neutralising the viral strain isolated

D vertical transmission of schmallenberg virus and infection of the foetuses can lead to embryonunc mortality, malfomred newborns, abortions and still births

Akabane virus

Orf virus

C) reassorment can lead to change in virulence of the virus

West Nile virus


Inclusion bodies

Plaque forming units

Foot and mouth disease virus

Fowlpox virus
For anitgen testing list the
5 different tests
whether they test for infectious or non infectious and what type of test do they use
Antigen testing;
- grow/culture; when the virus is infectious
- test for viral nucliec acid; infectious or non-infectious (PCR)
- EM (electronic microscope) infectious and non infectious
- testing for ag in blood; infectious or not infectious use
serum neutralisation test- to serotype virus
Haemagglutination/HA inhbition test
-test for ag in cells- cultured cells or histopathology slides, blood use
Immunoflurescence (IFA)
List for the 4 different tests for antibody testing
AB testing
-serum virus neutrlaisation test; to deteermine the prescence and titre of ab
ELISA- different types