Lecture 15 - Patterns Of Disease Globally And Over Time Flashcards
what were the diseases in the Middle ages London 1665?
- Small pox
- Tuberculosis
- Influenza
- Bubonic plague
- Infectious (communical) diseases
- Dominate kill
what does the Bills of mortality 1665 show?
- Categorize what people died of
- disease pattern was dominated by communicable infectious disease
- 35 years life expectancy
London population 460000
Plague death 100000
Woman and children unlucky
Communicable infectious diseases
Group 1 diseases
Global burden of disease 2015
- 56.4 million death
- Non communicable deaths 70%
- 54% list in top 10 (Communicable deaths decreases in prevalence)
Global life expectancy 2015
71.4 year olds
Non communicable deaths 70%
- Cardiovascular,
- Diseases associated with older age groups
2000 how many diseases were in group 1 (in top 10 causes of death globally)
4 non communicable diseases
6 communicable diseases
2015 how many diseases were in group 1 (in top 10 causes of death globally)
6 non communicable diseases
3 communicable
Road injury occurred (not in 2000)
What is the biggest cause of death in 18 years so far?
Occurred in 2000 and 2015
What are some causes of death that moved of the list between 2000 and 2015?
HIV aids
Pre term birth complications and asphyxiations
What are some diseases that still remain in 2015 and 2000?
What are some diseases added Killed 1.6 mill in 2015?
What disease have doubled between 2000 and 2015?
Alzheimers, dementia Road injuries (1.3 mil in 2015)
Low income countries top 10 causes of death
- 7 communicable diseases
- “Big 3” HIV, malaia, tb
- Stroke and non communicable diseases
Quantifying the Burden of Disease for mortality and morbidity
Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY)
Global or country
one year of healthy life lost due to premature mortality (Years of Life Lost - YLL) for people living with a health condition or its consequences (Years Lost due to Disability - YLD)
Departure from physiological or psychological wellbeing
DALY measure
difference between a populations current health status and ideal health status