Lecture 15 - Patterns Of Disease Globally And Over Time Flashcards
what were the diseases in the Middle ages London 1665?
- Small pox
- Tuberculosis
- Influenza
- Bubonic plague
- Infectious (communical) diseases
- Dominate kill
what does the Bills of mortality 1665 show?
- Categorize what people died of
- disease pattern was dominated by communicable infectious disease
- 35 years life expectancy
London population 460000
Plague death 100000
Woman and children unlucky
Communicable infectious diseases
Group 1 diseases
Global burden of disease 2015
- 56.4 million death
- Non communicable deaths 70%
- 54% list in top 10 (Communicable deaths decreases in prevalence)
Global life expectancy 2015
71.4 year olds
Non communicable deaths 70%
- Cardiovascular,
- Diseases associated with older age groups
2000 how many diseases were in group 1 (in top 10 causes of death globally)
4 non communicable diseases
6 communicable diseases
2015 how many diseases were in group 1 (in top 10 causes of death globally)
6 non communicable diseases
3 communicable
Road injury occurred (not in 2000)
What is the biggest cause of death in 18 years so far?
Occurred in 2000 and 2015
What are some causes of death that moved of the list between 2000 and 2015?
HIV aids
Pre term birth complications and asphyxiations
What are some diseases that still remain in 2015 and 2000?
What are some diseases added Killed 1.6 mill in 2015?
What disease have doubled between 2000 and 2015?
Alzheimers, dementia Road injuries (1.3 mil in 2015)
Low income countries top 10 causes of death
- 7 communicable diseases
- “Big 3” HIV, malaia, tb
- Stroke and non communicable diseases
Quantifying the Burden of Disease for mortality and morbidity
Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY)
Global or country
one year of healthy life lost due to premature mortality (Years of Life Lost - YLL) for people living with a health condition or its consequences (Years Lost due to Disability - YLD)
Departure from physiological or psychological wellbeing
DALY measure
difference between a populations current health status and ideal health status
NZ population overall
Burden of Disease 2006
- 955000 years of healthy life
- DALY indicates
DALYs indicate NZ losing over 1mil healthy life now
51% fatal events
49% non fatal
NZ population overall
Burden of Disease 2006 Males compared to females 2006
Males high fatal lost (YLL)
Males low non fatal lost (YLD)
Females more burden with disability.
- Live longer
- Have disability longer
- Higher DALYs
Age distribution non fatal
- Teens (15-19)
Global life expectancy changes over 215 years
- X income per person per year (GDP)
- Y life expectancy
life expectancy of Japan, NZ, Sierra leone and Congo
84 years
81 years males
83 years females
Sierra leone and congo
51 years males
52 years females
2 separate theories that occur at the same time
Demographic Transition explains
- Changes in population death and birth rates over time
- Growth and change in populations over time
Epidemiological Transition explains
Changes in population disease patterns over time
– Communicable disease
– Non-communicable diseases
Demographic transition graph
- Y deaths and births (per 1000 per year)
- X time. total population
Once transitions begins will have a situation where population will have
(death and birth rate, total population)
High death and birth rate
Low total population
Demographic transition graph
- Y deaths and births (per 1000 per year)
- X time total population
As move through transitions (death and birth rate, total population)
Decrease death rate
Increase total population
Demographic transition graph
- Y deaths and births (per 1000 per year)
- X time total population
Further on transition (death and birth rate, total population)
Decrease birth rate and when added to declining death rate
Increase to the total population
Demographic transition graph
- Y deaths and births (per 1000 per year)
- X time total population
Nearly end of transition (death and birth rate, total population)
Low death and birth rate
Stabilise total population growth
Demographic transition graph
- Y deaths and births (per 1000 per year)
- X time total population
What will happen to the median age of the population over time if that trend is showing?
Increase median age as move through transition
Demographic transition pyramids
NZ transition pyramids 1900
Young based population
Not many people make to older age groups
23 years median age population
Demographic transition pyramids
NZ transition pyramids 2000
population median age 34 year
Low population 0-4 year olds (compared to 1900)
Demographic transition pyramids
NZ transition pyramids 2100
All age groups uniform
Suggest median age will be older
Demographic transition pyramids
NZ transition pyramids by 2061
Median age in NZ will be 44 years old
Story of whole population not groups
In maori population median age
Pacific population median age
NZ european population
Asian population
23.9 years
22.1 years
41 years
30.6 years
Epidemiological transition
Decrease communicable disease
Increase non communicable diseases (people living longer)
What are 2 public health actions that have had the greatest impact on our population and disease pattern during time frame when we think about the transitions?
Sewage system and sanitarium
Clean water
Significance of human ageing
Globally 1950s probability of survival 80-90 year age groups
Significance of human ageing
By 2002 to live to 80-80 year age groups
Significance of human ageing
In japan
15% female
12% males
37% females
25% males
Significance of human aging
Come about due to…
Longegitivity continue to…
Decrease death rate in (demographic transition)
Life expectancy over the years
increased sharply
life expectancy 1930s 2014 2030 2080 number of people lived to 90
1000 people
over the years woman have
fewer children
By 2030
For first time in history
Older persons will have higher number than children in 0-9 age group
Morbidity occurs later in life
– Slow the progression from chronic disease to disability
– Will create an increase in milder chronic disease but a decrease in the period of time a person experiences severe Disability will be less
– Maintain function and improve wellbeing
summary epidemiological
Disease patterns have changed over time from a dominance of communicable disease to a dominance of non-communicable disease
summary demographic transition
Populations have grown and changed over time, life expectancy is increasing