lecture 14: bones and joints of LE Flashcards
be able to lable the bones of the lower extremeite
What makes up the innominate bone
illium, ishium and pubis
be able to distingush the illium, ishium and pubis
Where are the bodies of the illium, ischium and pubis all found
in the acetabulum
be abke to locate the acetabulum, the acetabular fossa and the acetabular notch
what are the landmarks of the illium and be able to locate them
illiaac crest illiac fossa gluteal lines (post, ant, and inf) anterior superior illac spine (ASIS) anterior inferior illiac spine (AIIS) Posterior superiod illiac spine (PSIS) posterior inferior illiac spine (PIIS)
what are the landmarks of the ishium
isihal tuberocity
ishial spine
greater and lesser sciatic notch
What ish the proprer name for the sit bone
ishial tuberosity
be able to lcoate all the landmarks of the ihisum
what passes through the greater sciatic notch
Piriformis • Superior/Inferior gluteal vessels and nerve • Sciatic n. • Posterior femoral cutaneous n. • Pudendal n. • Nerve to obturator internus • Nerve to quadratus femoris
what passess through the lesser sciatic notch
Obturator internus
• Internal pudendal vessels
• Pudendal n.
• Nerve to obturator internus
what are the landmarks of the pubis
symphysis pubis obtuerator foramen pubic tubercle pubic crest ramus (sup and inf)
be able to locate the pubis and th elandmarks
what is the obturator forament and what is it covered by
big hole covered by obturator membrane
where is the pubic tubercle
big bump next to the symphysis pubis (superior)
what does the pubic crest link
links the pubic tubercle to the symphysis pubis
be able to locate the landmarks on the femur .
is the linea aspera on the femur posterior or anterior
is the intertrochantic crest anterior or posterior
is the intertrocanteric line posterior or anterior
put these lines in order from medial to lateral
spiral line, pectinal line, gluteal tuberocity
is the adductor tubercle of the femur found on top of the medial or lateral epiconfdly
which is the wider epicondyle.condyl of the fmur
is the popliteal surface aanterior or posterior
is the patellar surface anterior or posterior
is the intercondylar fossa anterior or posterior
be able to name the landmarks of the patella
which facet will always fall on the table
does the apex of the patella point up or down
is the tibia the medial or lateral bone
be able to label the tiba and the landmarks
ias the soleal line posterior or anterior
is the fibular notch proximal or distal
is the fibular facet proximal or fistal
is the tibial tuberocity anterior or posterior
be able to label the landmarks of the fibula
is the fibula lateral or medial
is the tibial facet proximal or distal
is the talar facet proximal or fistal
true or false: the anterior border goes down into the lateral malleolus
which is more medial, the anterior or interosses border
true or false: the fibula is a weight bearing bone
false, mostly there for muscle attaachemnts
true or falseL: the taalus is the heel bone
false the calcaneous is the heel bone
be able to locate the landmarks of the tarsal
which is more lateral, the cuboid bone or the navicular
WHich is more superior: the caalcaneus or the talus
the tlaus