Lecture 14 - Asthma Flashcards
Features of asthma?
episodic, chronic, life-threatening: swollen airways, excessive mucus
Diagnosis of asthma?
wheezing, airflow obstruction in lung fucntion test, history of: dyspnea, chest tightness, reversible ariflow limitation, family history of asthma or atopic disease
Lung function tests?
PEF, spirometry
Atopic asthma?
most common, usually early onset, environmental, positive family history,
Typical precedings of atopic asthma?
rhinitis, urticaria, eczema
Acute Phase Response?
inhalation of allergen causes immediate fall in lung function
Genetic predisposition?
to Th2 (cytokine releasing cells) rather than Th1 (IFN, IL, TNF) - cross inhibition
Non-atopic asthma?
typically late-onset, respiratory tract infection relation, medication risk
Leukotriene role?
synthesis of mast cells & eosinophils, causes prolonged bronchoconstriction, muxus secretions and vascular permeability -> edema (antagonists treat asthma)
IgE role?
triggering mast cells causing inflammation