Lecture 13- Medications for Digestive Disorders Flashcards
What are some common GI issues?
- Ulcers
- heartburn
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Vomiting
- Gastroparesis –> food moves out of stomach too slowly
What is a peptic ulcer?
- from bacteria (Helicobacter pylori) in stomach
- use of anti-inflammatory painkillers (NSAIDs or aspirin)
- alcohol and caffeine can cause them too!
What are the signs and symptoms of peptic ulcers?
All about the FOOD you eat
all about the TIME you eat
- abdominal pain around 3 hours of taking a meal
- loss appetite and weight loss
- bloating
- nausea and vomiting
How do we treat peptic ulcers when NSAIDs or aspirin caused them?
- stop taking the meds (unless otherwise by doctor)
- use PPIs (Proton pump inhibitors) –> help reduce acid in stomach
- or use H2 antagonists –> help reduce acid in stomach
How do we treat peptic ulcers when Helicobacter pylori caused it?
use of TWO antibiotics
1. metronidazole and clarithromycin
2. amoxicillin and clarithromycin
How do we prevent heartburn?
- watch what you eat!!
- Exercise!!
- Timing of food
- how fast you eat
How do we treat heartburn and excessive acid from least strength to most strength (3) ?
- Antacids
- H2-receptor antagonists
- proton pump inhibitors
What are the 4 antacids generic names and trade names?
- aluminum hydroxide
- calcium carbonate with magnesium hydroxide –> Rolaids
- Magnesium hydroxide/aluminum hydroxide with simethicone
- sodium bicarbonate
What do antiacids do?
neutralize digestive acids
FIRST drug recommended for heartburn and mild symptoms
What does antiacids consist of?
- magnesium
- calcium
- aluminium
What can antacids cause in the intestines?
- interact with drugs –> REDUCE absorption
- can be avoided if take drugs ONE hour BEFORE or THREE hours AFTER taking the antacid
What are the two ADVERSE EFFECTS of Antacids?
Why should “Tums” be used in caution with older adults?
likelyhood of having following conditions:
- renal disease
- ventricular fibrillation
- hypercalcemia —> kidney failure
What is GERD?
“Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease”
- lower esophageal sphincter is weakened/relaxed, allowing gastric juices to flow into esophagus
- mucosal damage produced by abnormal reflux in esophagus
- symptoms: heartburn, regurgitation, sore throat, etc…
What are the two H2 receptor antagonists generic and trade names?
- famotidine —> PEPCID
- ranitidine –> ZANTAC
What does H2 receptor antagonists do?
- BLOCK H2 receptors to REDUCE gastric secretions for 6-24 hours
- prevent heartburn episodes
What is the ADVERSE EFFECTS of H2-receptor antagonists?
- GI probs
- cardiac arrhythmias
Why was ZANTAC taken off the market?
because of presence of a carcinogen –> NDMA (N-nitrosodimethylamine)
What are the 4 Proton Pump Inhibitors generic and trade names?
- esmoprazole
- lansoprazole
- omeprazole
- misoprostol
What do Proton Pump Inhibitors do?
- BLOCK HCL production!!!
- heals ulcers, relieves GERD
-most effective! - if it is MODERATE or SEVERE symptoms