Lecture 13 done Flashcards
What is medicaid?
a join federal/state health insurance plan
What is the largest single source of health coverage?
Medicaid. covers 70 million people(1 in 5)
How is medicaid structured?
jointly funded by federal and state government. Optional program but all states participate!
True or False: medicaid finances nearly 1/5 of healthcare spending
true. about 18%
Who is eligible for medicaid?
1)mandated categorically needy
2)optionally categorically needy
3)medically needy
What is mandated categorically needy?
required coverage in medicaid that includes SSI recipients, low income seniors, AFDC enrollees, welfare recipients
What is optionaly categorically needy?
option coverge in medicaid that includes low income children, and pregnant women that don’t meet the criteria for mandated categorically needy
What is medically needy?
optional coverage in medicaid that includes elderly, blind, disabled, and children with high OOP expenses
What is the Children’s Health Insurance Program(CHIP)?
covers children that are ineligible for medicaid, covers a broad range of services, out of pocket cost vary
What services could CHIP cover?
preventative care, immunizations, doctor visits, emergency care, perscription drugs, dental and vision
True or false: adults with medicaid poorer but equally sick as those with private health insurance.
False. Both sicker and poorer
What mandatory services are covered under medicaid?
Inpatient, outpatient, Lab & x-ray, nursing home and home health, fammily planning, pregnancy services, midwife, physician, nurse practitioner services
What optional services are covered under Medicaid?
podiatry, optometry, perscription drugs, dental, hospice, clinical services
What is required of medicaid?
same coverage throughout the state, obtain services from any participatibg provider
How does cost sharing work within medicaid?
Many states require cost sharing but it cannot be a serious barrier to recieving services(low copays)
How does medicaid control costs?
prior authorization, preffered drug lists, MCO(2/3 medicaid recipients enrol in MCO’s)
How do provider’s get paid?
pay providers using FFS, MCO get set amount per month. provider participation optional but if the join they must accept Medicaid’s payment(no balance billing)
What are issue faced by Medicaid?
budget cuts, difficult population covered, low provider reimbursment, federal/state coordination, Madiscaid expansion(Affordable Care Act)
How does the government get involved in health care?
legislative, administrative regulations, reimbursment, direct care
Describe current federal government involvment.
COVID testing, vaccines, mask mandates, reccomendations, legislative initiates(inflation reduction act, PBM reform
WHich hospitals are ther government involved in?
Veterans affairs, TRICARE, Indian Health Service, Bureau of prisons
Describe the VA.
closed ealth system that employs over 7,000 pharmacists
What is Tricare?
healthcare program fo military members and their families