ethics in healthcare policy Flashcards
right to health
-“health” is a status, not an object
-cannot owe health to a person
-there is no right to a specific health status
right to healthcare
–impact health through enviorment, workplace safety, education, ect
-can be a right to facilities, goods, services, and conditions necessary to reach highest standard of health
collective social protection argument
Similarities between health needs and other needs that government has traditionally
protected; consistency suggests that critical health care assistance in response to threats to health
should likewise be a collective responsibility
reciprocity argument
Society has a right to expect a decent return on the investment made in health
care professional education, funding for biomedical research, and funding for various parts of
the medical system that pertain to health care paid for with tax dollars
fair opportunity argument
Justice requires that we use societal health care resources to give persons a fair
chance to use their capabilities, especially those worst off due to disease and injury.
objectives of universal health coverage
-equity is access to health services
-quality good enough to improve health
-people protected fromm financial risk
inequity in private health insurance
-arises from reliance on employers for financing health insurance: large corporations have better coverage
how the US health care system supports a minimum level of health care for some
-Medicare part A represents minimum amount of healthcare
-parts B, C, D optional
-all of medicaid is minimum
-all people: EMTALA
framework for ethically analyzing public health programs
-effective in achiving goals?
-potential burdens
-minimize burdens?
-balance in benefits/burdens
moral hazard
when a person bears less risk of consequences, they may pursure more risky behavior
requirements to enforce personal accountability in health care
1)Society must identify the risky health behaviors and use solid
evidence to demonstrate the behaviors cause disease or illness
2)Individual’s decision to engage in the risky behavior is
autonomous – they know the risks of the behaviors before
taking it