intro to ethics Flashcards
three levels of Rest-Kohlberg’s Theory of Cognitive Moral Development
-pre-conventional morality
-conventional morality
-post conventional morality
Pre-conventional morality
-children 9 and younger
-no personal code of morality
-morals shaped by adults
-focus on consequences
Conventional morality
-most adolescents and adults
-internalize moral standard
-reasoning based on social group norms
Post-conventional morality
-only 10-15% capable
-individual judgement based on self-chosen, universals principles
-moral reasonings based on individual right and justice
pre-conventional pharmacist
-thinks about what is in their best intrest
-focus on self
-extra pay for extra services
conventional pharmacist
-care in line with federal and state laws
-reliquish some care when faced with moderate situational pressures
Post-conventional pharmacist
-high level of patient care despite situational pressures
-with significant pressures, pharmacist would probably leave the pharmacy
Describe why moral reasoning skills are important
-those with higher moral development seem to behave in a more professional manner making clinical decisions and provide more patient centered care.
-better clinical performance
List the characteristics of a profession
-specialized knowledge and training
-commitment to provide services
-maintain self-regulating organizations
-control entry into occupational roles through formal certification
-specify and enforce obligations of their members
general moral obligations
-what strangers are expected to do/with/for for strangers
special relationship obligations
-professional obligations
-family/partner/friend obligations
moral ideals
-saints and martyrs
Identify differences between the 1852 and 1994 pharmacist codes of ethics
-1852: doesn’t mention moral obligations and virtues, mostly concerned with running a buissness
Ethical situation
rights and/or welfare of people are impacted
Signaling words for ethical situation
-verbs: want, desire, prefer, should, feel obligated, ought
-Nouns: benefit, harm, duty, responsibility, obligation, right
-Adjective: good, bad, right, wrong, fitting, responsible
ethical dilemma
- two (or more) alternative but
incompatible actions, such that the person
cannot perform all the required actions
-unclear if act is right/wrong