Lecture 13 Flashcards
Trapezius (origin)
Occipital bone
Ligamentum nuchae
Spinous processes of the throacic vertebrae
Trapezius (insertion)
Clavicle and scapula
Trapezius (innervation)
Accessory nerve and cervical spine nerves
Function of the trapezius
Upper fibres: elevate scapula
Middle fibres: retract scapula
Lower fibres: depress scapula
Latissimus dorsi (origin)
Spinous processes of inferior thoracic
all lumbar vertebrae
Ribs 8-12
Latissimus dorsi (insertion)
Floor of inter tubercular groove
Innervation of Latissimus dorsi
Thoracodorsal nerve
Latissimus dorsi function
Medial rotation
Deltoid (origin)
Spine of scapula
Lateral part of clavicle
Deltoid insertion
Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Deltoid innervation
Axillary nerve
Function of the deltoid
Whole muscle : shoulder abduction
Anterior part: flexion
Posterior part: extension
Lavator scapula: origin
Transverse process of cervical vertebrae
Lavator scapula insertion
Medial border of scapula opposite the supraspinous fossa
Leavtor scapula innervation
Cervical spinal nerves
Dorsal scapular nerve
Function of the Lavator scapula
Elevates scapula
Rhomboid minor (origin)
Spinous processes
Rhomboid major (insertion)?
Medial border of scapula opposite the root of the spine of the scapula
Rhomboid minor (innervation )?
Dorsal scapula nerve
Function of the rhomboid minor
Rhomboid major (origin)
Spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae T2-T4
Rhomboid major: insertion
Medial border of scapula opposite infraspinous fossa
Rhomboid major innervation
Dorsal scapular nerve
Function of the rhomboid major
Rotates scapula