Lecture 12 Flashcards
Genetic elements that can replicate independently of a host cell’s chromosomes but not independently of a host cell themselves.
In order to multiply, viruses must enter into a cell in which they can replicate. Such a cell is called a ______.
When a virus genome is introduced into a host cell and reproduces, the process is called ________
The virus redirects preexisting host machinery and metabolic functions necessary for virus replication and the assembly of new _______.
The total genetic material within the cell is referred to as a what?
A fully formed virus particle is referred to as what?
Viruses can also be classified on the basis of the host they infect. What are 3 examples of this?
Animal viruses Plant viruses Bacterial viruses (bacteriophages)
This word comes from Greek phagein meaning “to eat”.
Phage. They have been studied primarily as convenient model systems for research on the molecular biology and genetics of virus reproduction.
Many of the basic concepts of virology were first worked out with _______ ________ and subsequently applied to viruses of higher organisms.
bacterial viruses
Virus particles (virions) vary widely in size and shape. The nucleic acid of a virus is surrounded by a protein coat called _______.
Each capsid is composed of protein subunits called _________.
capsomeres. The arrangement of capsomeres is characteristic of a particular type of virus.
In some viruses, the capsid is covered by an envelope, which usually consists of some combination of what 3 things?
lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates.
Depending on the virus, envelopes may or may not be covered by _______.
When the host has been infected by a virus, the host immune system is stimulated to produce _________.
How can viruses like influenza escape antibodies and infect the same person again?
Regions of the genes that code for these viruses’ surface proteins are susceptible to mutations.
Viruses may be classified into several different morphological types on the basis of their capsid architecture, which is studied using a TEM or a technique called X-ray crystallography. List 4 of these.
Helical viruses, polyhedral viruses, enveloped viruses, complex viruses
The viral nucleic acid is found within a hollow cylindrical capsid that has a helical structure. Viruses that cause rabies and Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
Helical viruses
Many animal, plant and bacterial viruses are polyhedral, or many-sided viruses. The capsid of most polyhedral viruses is in the shape of an __________, a regular polyhedron with ________ triangular faces and _______ corners such as polio-virus.
icosahedron, 20, 12
Enveloped viruses are roughly what shape?
When helical or polyhedral viruses are enclosed by envelopes, they are called what?
enveloped helical or enveloped polyhedral viruses.
Example of enveloped helical virus
Example of enveloped polyhedral viruses
herpes simplex virus
Virologists began addressing the problem of viral taxonomy in 1966 with the formation of what committee?
ICTV - International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses
the ICTV has been grouping viruses into families based on what 3 things?
1] Nucleic acid type 2] Strategy for replication
3] Morphology
The suffix -virus is used for the _______ names
Virus Family names end in -_______
Virus Order names end in -________
This is a group of viruses sharing the same genetic information and ecological niche.
virus species
Specific epithets for viruses are not used. Thus, viral species are designated by descriptive common names, such as HIV, with subspecies designated by a number HIV-1
Viruses must be maintained within _____ _____ in order to multiply. This complicates their detection, enumeration, and identification
living cells or host cell
What are the Three methods are commonly used for culturing animal viruses?
- Living animals
- Embryonated eggs
- Cell cultures
In 1986, simian AIDS, an immune deficiency disease of green monkeys, was reported, and followed in 1987 by feline AIDS, an immune deficiency disease of domestic cats. These diseases are caused by _______ , which are closely related to HIV, and the disease develops within few months, thus providing a model for studying viral growth in different tissues
In 1990, a way to infect mice with human AIDS was found when immuno-deficient mice were grafted to produce human _______ and human _______. The mice provide a reliable model for studying viral replication, although they do not provide models for vaccine development.
T cells, gamma globulin.
Viral growth is signaled by what 3 things?
Death of the embryo
Embryo cell damage
By the formation of typical pocks or lesions on the egg membrane