Lecture 10- Connective Tissue And Adipose Tissue Flashcards
List common types of cells found in connective tissue
- macrophages
- mast cells
- fibroblasts
- adiposcytes
- recticular cells
- mesnechymal cells
What is the function of fibroblasts ?
- they help lay down scar tissue.
- they secrete and produce fibres that lie in the extracellular matrix.
What occurs to fibroblasts when there is a wound in the body ?
They change into myofibroblasts which contain actin and myosin which helps with contraction of the wound.
Where are mast cells usually found - in what type of connective tissue?
-aerolar connective tissue near the blood vessels.
Where are mast cells absent from - what part of the body ?
- the CNS in order to prevent Oedema because histamines in the cytoplasm of the mast cells will increase permeability of the blood vessels
What is contained within the cytoplasm of mast cells ?
1) histamines which increase permeability of blood vessels making them similar to sinusoids.
2) heparin : act as anticoagulants preventing blood clots
3) cytokines which attract neutrophils and eosinphils to site of the wound.
What is the role of macrophages ?
- they are phagocytictic
- professional antigen presenting cells to T lymphocytes
How many cell types does loose connective tissue contain ?
-multiple cell types for example fibroblasts , mast cells , macrophages and adipocytes
What are the twomain fibres that are within loose connective tissue !
- collagen and elastin
What is the fuel like substance found in loose connective tissue called and is it in large or small amounts ?
- proteoglycans which is made up of glycoaminoglycans such as hyaluroic acid. It is an important component in moving substances , especially in epithelial cells where blood vessels are not present.
Where is loose connective tissue mainly found ?
- lamina propia
- surrounds capillaries , nerves and sinusoids.
- lymph nodes too
- around gland .
What are two forms of loose connective tissue ?
Blood and adipose tissue
Are there many type of cells in dense connective tissue ?
A- no , mainly fibroblasts cells and collagen make up a lot of tissue present.
Is there more or less ground substance in dense connective tissue ?
Less , as the fibres are closely packed together.
Wwhat are the two types of dense connective tissue ?
1) irregular
2) regular
What are the functions of loose connective tissue ?
1) packaging around organs
2) involved in inflammation pathways
3) generally hold everything in place
4) cushions and stabilises organs.
Describe characteristics of irregular dense connective tissue ?
- interwoven bundles of collagen which criss cross each other in many directions in order to counteract the multidirectional forces they experience.
Where is dense irregular connective tissue usually found ?
- dermis of the skin AND SUBMUCOSA OF INTESTINE
- deep fascia of muscles
- periosteum around bone
- dura meter around brain and spinal cord
What stain is usually required to see elastin in irregular dense connective tissue ?
Van goesen. Which is silver stain
What are examples of regular dense connective tissue ?
- tendons
- ligaments
- aponeuroses ( flattened tendons)
Why do tendons have such high mechanical strength?
- due to myotendinous junctions
- which are junctions that connect tendons with skeletal muscle
- collagen passes from the tendon to the muscle fibres were it interacts with the collagen fibres coating muscle fibres.
- cross links occur between these fibres.