Lecture 10 Flashcards
true or false: smallpox was used by the conquistadores to mess up the indigenous peeps
basic infos about poxviruses
*“brick” shaped
*200-250x250x300 nm
*Genome: dsDNA
130-300 kb
true or false: variola comes from monkeys
false it comes from humans
where does monkey pox comes from
what was used to make the small pox vaccine
what was the fatality rate of smallpox and how did it get there
-infection: droplet, aerosol, skin-skin
-incubation 7-17 days
3-4 days
-enanthem 2 days: skin lesions in mouth and membranes
-exanthem 12-32 days rash all over
systemic: in orgfans and various tissues=you pretty much will die
edward jenner and his weird vaccine
-he heard about milk maids that got skin lesions on their hands from cows infected with cow pox, but they never got small pox
-he took pus from cow and put the stuff in a lesion in a kids arm
-a month later he made another cut in a kids arm and put small pox
the kid never got it
-thousantds of years old
-Variolation was the method of inoculation first used to immunize individuals against smallpox (Variola) with material taken from a patient or a recently variolated individual, in the hope that a mild, but protective, infection would result.
Vaccinia vaccine
-vaccinia is not mutated from cowpox
-contained skin lesions
-we dunno where it comes from
-only exists in stocks
-grows well in culture
-vaccine for small pox
-very stable
-only require a small amount
is the the small pox vaccine 100% safe
not really lots of immunocomprimised people had a rough time with it and some even died
how/why did we get rid of small pox
-only lives in human
-very easy to see who is infected
-vaccinia slayed
-comes from rodents
-not as infectuous and contagious as small pox
-looks like smallpox
-Mostly confined to Africa.
-An outbreak in the US with
100 cases in 2003.
-Smallpox vaccine protects
2 clades of the virus
-West African: the one that is happening rn
-Congo Basin: most systemic
where did the new monkey pox stuff start
west africa->spain->mtl
-safer vaccine
-not as effective
-need more of the stuff
-works early on the infection
-basically vaccinia that grew in chock ceels still same virus but barely replicates in human cell
Molluscum Contagiousum
-In the US it accounts for
1% of all diagnosed skin
-Spreads by physical contact.
true or false: all poxviruses replicate in the nucleus
false: they replicate in the cytoplasm
-which is weird because usually DNA viruses replicate in the nucleus
Comp[osition of the pox virus
-90% of the core is proteins
-it carries in its core transcription factors and DNA pol
-it has 2 envelopes
What is interesting about the viruses ends
-there are terminal loops that ate AT rich: means weaker wattson crick base pairing=mushy ends
-good for replication
true or false: smallpox replication is temporaly regulated
pox virus replication: see ppt19
lect 10
Pox virus gene expression
“Cascade” Genetic Program: to regulate gene expression
-All enzymes and factors required for early
Gene expression are packaged with the virus.
-Early mRNAs encode enzymes for viral DNA
synthesis and factors for expression of the
intermediate class of genes (TF for turning on intermediate Tf)
-Intermediate genes encode factors for
expression of the late class of genes.
-Late transcription transcription factors
activate the enzymes and factors required
for early gene expression. aka structural proteins that needs to be packaged in core
xplain the pox virus self priming stuff
ppt 22 lect 10
What is one of poxviruses best weapond
it encodes for there viroreceptors:
-secreted factors that attenuate the immune response
-secreted IFNalpha/beta binding protein, the immune responses chemokines will bind onto these and can’t have a proper protection