Lecture 1 - Introduction to disease I Flashcards
Study of disease
Characteristics primitive/prehistoric medicine
- no distinction between medicine, magic and religion
- disease caused by supernatural agents
- Diagnosis and treatments are magic-religious ceremonies
Characteristics medicine in Mesopotamia
- documentation (cuneiform tablets)
- Less emotional approach
- Treatment = washing, bandaging and plasters
Characteristics medicine in Egypt
- Mummies
- Observations of organs, pregnancy, wounds and fractures
- Rational treatment
- influence by gods
- medical papyri preserved
- different specialties
Characteristics medicine in Ancient Greece
- Ascplepios
- Natural explanations for disease
- Hippocrates
God of medicine and healing
His temples were for bathing, sleeping and curing
2 daughters: Hygieia and Panacea
First doctor
4 humors
Hippocratic oath
4 Humors
Yellow bile, Black bile, Phlegm, Blood.
Pain is felt when these are not perfectly proportionate
Characteristics Roman medicine
- Emphasis on prevention of disease
- Hygiene
- Thermal baths for cleaning before entering cities
- Surgical tools
- Galen
- Aulus Cornelium Celsus
- Greek physician in Rome
- Surgeon in gladiator school
- study of anatomy
Aulus Cornelium Celsus
Discovered the 4 signs of inflammation
4 signs of inflammation
- redness (rubor)
- swelling (tumor)
- pain (dolor)
- heat (calor)
And sometimes loss of function (functio laese)
Characteristics medicine in the middle ages
- Decline in knowledge -> back to the supernatural
- Blood letting
- Influence of astrology
- Herbal medicine
- First description of smallpox
Characteristics medicine in Islamic Golden Age
Mostly influenced by Ibn Sina:
- Classifying and describing disease
- Discovered TB is contagious
- Anatomy
Characteristics of medicine in Renaissance
- Scientific approach
- Anatomy corrections
- Information sharing
- Andreas Vesalius (anatomist -> post mortems)
Characteristics of medicine in 17th and 18th century
A lot of advancements in many fields, because of many people
Specialty William Harvey
Specialty Antoine Lavoisier
Specialty Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Microscopy and microbiology
Specialty Nicolaas Hartsoeker
Specialty Marcello Mapighi
Structure of organs
Specialty Edward Jenner
Vaccines. Discovered first vaccine
Most important person in medicine in 19th century
Rudolf Virchow: Professor of pathology Pulmonary emboli Virchow's triad Autopsy techniques Cell theory
Virchow’s triad
3 categories that contribute to thrombosis:
- Trauma
- Stasis of blood flow
- Hypercoagulability
Characteristics medicine in 20th century
- Histopathology
- antibiotics
- Vaccines
- Technology
- Rise of knowledge in genetics
Characteristics present day medicine
- molecular pathology
- Genetic medicine
- personalised medicine