Lecture 1 - Human Relationships; Types, Structures, Functions And Processes Flashcards
Distinguish b/w proximal and distal causes of relationship events
Proximal feeling (e.g love, hate) may have a variety of distal causes (e.g. Prior betrayal, evolution)
Hal Kelley’s Model of Dyadic Relationships
- P - person
- O - other
- bring personal attributes to relationships
- social, cultural and physical environment factors also affect relationship
What is a parasocial relationship?
Relationship with a TV characters
Distinguish between a communal and exchange relationships. Clark and Mills 1970s
Communal - based on shared need and commitment e.g. Family
Exchange - I.e. business partnerships - reliant on being mutually beneficial
Four models of social relationships - Fiske and Haslam
- communal sharing (needs based)
- authority ranking (power based)
- equality matching (exchange based)
- market pricing (worth-based)
Evolutionary approaches
- humans social animals
- need to find and keep mates, produce and parent offspring, compete for resources, maintain friendships, manage conflicts, and negotiate shifting power and status dynamics
- evolved psychological mechanisms help us achieve these tasks - needs and desires
Emotions at evolved psychological mechanisms
- Romantic love -> signals reward, motivates mating and pair bonding
- jealousy -> signals threat, motivates mate guarding
- guilt -> signals that we have damaged an important relationships, motivates repair
- shame -> signals we are unacceptable to others, motivate atonement
Attachment theory
- evolved drive with biological foundations (Bowlby, 1979)
- manifests in infant-c/g and adult romantic relationships (Hazan & Shaver, 1987)
- secure attachments are the source of our first powerful experiences of love, trust and joy. Disrupted or unpredictable bonds trigger intense negative emotions such as anxiety l, anger and sorrow
Social exchange theories
- economic models of relationships analyst rewards, costs, exchanges, comparison levels, short-term vs. long-term profits and costs, equity and inequity
- assume a ‘rational’ (purely cognitive) approach to relationships but note important role for feelings
- cheater detection mechanism - thoughts and feelings tell us when we are being treated fairly and when we are being disadvantaged (Cosmides and Tooby, 2000)
Social cognitive theories
- study of people’s relationship-related beliefs, memories and judgements
- people develop schemas of relationship phenomena (e.g. Love, commitment)
- mismatches in schemas and expectations can cause relationship trouble
Role theories
- Relationship roles come from norms derived from society/culture
- role requirements may differ for men/women
Stage theories
- A developmental approach to relationships
- Stage theories describe “typical” patterns of relationship initiation, development, maintenance and dissolution
- problems can arise when partners are not in step with respect to relationship trajectory
Dialectical theory
- Sociological approach
- describes the process of managing tensions in relationships e.g connectedness (wanting togetherness) vs. autonomy (individual control) - most central