LEC 8: Obj Recognition Flashcards
what’s the end of the retino-geniculate-striate pathway?
primary visual cortex - that when higher processing begins!
magnocellular cells
info from RODS but some cones
position and motion /large and fast things/colorblind
parvocellular cells
primarily CONES
detail and texture, small cells,
more layers in LGN than m-cells
small/slow/colorful things
what are the 2 retinoganglion cells
p and m cells
how are you able to see left and right sides of space w one eye?
each eye synapses on both LGNs depending on L and R visual field,
allowing one eye to present both hemispheres w info on L and R visual field
R visual field for each eye maps on L hemisphere
L visual field for each eye maps onto R hemisphere
where is primary visual cortex located?
occipital lobe
indirect pathway
stops btwn LGN and MT
direct pathway
LGN straight to MT
mostly associated w magnocellular pathway (fast to detect motion)
dorsal pathway
the where pathway
- where
- top
ventral pathway
the what pathway
- what
- bottom
obj cue + damage implication
monkeys associate shape of obj w treat (ex: raisins under cube evry time)
damage to temporal lobe causes impairment here
landmark cue + damage implication
monkey finds raisin near wherever certain landmark is
damage to parietal lobe causes impairment here
dual stream hypothesis
as visual info exits occiptal lobe, it follows 2 streams (dorsal and ventral)
receptive fields become ______ further along the ventral stream
ventral pathway steps
retina - LGN - V1- (V2-V3-V4) - PIT - CIT - AIT
visual agnosia
modality specific
gnosis - knowledge
A - without
apperceptive agnosia
cannot copy, cannot recognize objs by shape
can sometimes recognize by other features (texture, color)
some patients have deficit only when noise in pic or non-standard viewpt
associative agnosia
can copy but unaware of what obj is
difficult to read cannot transfer visual inputs into words
can be category specific (ex: prosopagnosia)
normal sensory functions but striped of meaning