LEC 12&13: Attention & Cognitive Control Flashcards
Bottom-Up attentional selection
An aspect of the stimulus itself cause it to be attended (loud sound for ex)
top-down attentional selection
the person determine how to direct his or her attention
covert attention demonstrated…
valid cues resulted in faster reactions and invalid cues led to slower responses than neutral cues implication cost of inattention and benefits of attention
early selection model
the idea that attentional selection occurs at early stage before items are identified
late selection model
the idea that selection occurs only after sensory processing is complete and items have been identified and categorized
evidence for early selection (feedback)
Feedback from PFC to thalamus and V1 feedback to thalamus
evidence for early selection (ERP)
EEG data show that unattended stimuli receive less processing than attended stimuli in primary sensory areas
alertness and arousal
most basic levels of attention
ability to maintain alertness continuously over time
selective attention
selection of info essential to a task
divided attention
when we have to split attention across task
covert attention
- asked to pay attention to an area without looking or moving eyes to that area
- possible to process items in covert location
attention probe experiment implication
split attention just as bad as zoning out for answering questions
line bisection task
draw line through center of horizontal line, line is off in patients w hemispatial neglect
hemispatial neglect
- failure to pay any attention to objects presented to one side of the body
- typically observed after right hemisphere lesions