Lec 3 Flashcards
Intrinsic Back Muscles & Suboccipital Region
Know the locations of the superior/inferior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance and mastoid process
List the muscles of the Deep back Superficial layer
Splenius Cervicis and Splenius Capitis
List the MA, PA, DA, N for splenius cervicis and capitis
- unilaterally laterally flexes head and ipsilateral rotation
- bilaterally extends head and neck
PA: nuchal ligament and SP of C7-T6
- capitis (goes to cap/head), mastoid process & lateral third of superior nuchal line (fibers go superolateral, slanted one)
- cervicis (straight one doesnt go to head) TP of C1-C4 (just like levator scap)
N: posterior rami of spinal nerves
Describe the organization of spinal nerves
- Ventral nerve roots (motor/from CNS) to muscles
- dorsal nerve roots (sensory/from CNS to skin)
they cross over at spinal cord
- ventral rami, nerves leave spinal cord and innervate ventral body wall, superficial back and all limbs
- dorsal rami, innervate skin and deep muscles of back
What muscles make up the intermediate layer of the deep back?
Erector spinae group
- iliocostalis
- longissimus
- spinalis
MA, PA, DA, N for Erector Spinae group
- unilaterally; laterally flex vertebral column to the ipsilateral side
- bilaterally extend vertebral column (NO ROT)
PA: SP of last two thoracic and all lumbar vertebra, thoracolumbar fascia/tendon that attaches to scrum and iliac crest
- iliocostalis; lower rib ANGLES (the medial part where they start to curve i think) and cervical TP
- longissimus; between rib tubercles and angles to thoracic TP (closer medial to spine)
-spinal; upper thoracic SP and to the cranium
N: Dorsal rami of spinal nerves
What muscles make up the deep group of deep back muscles?
What is another name for them
Primary movements?
Transversospinalis group
- multifidus
- rotators
- semispinalis
Extend and rotate
Rotatores (brevis and longus) MA, IA, SA, N
- unilaterally; rotate vertebral cloumn to CONTRA side
- bilaterally; extend vertebral column locally
IA: TP of vertebrae (thoracic the best)
SA: SP of lumbar vertebrae all the way through 2nd cervical
(breivs spans 1 vertebrae, longus spans 2)
N: dorsal rami of spinal nerves
- unilaterally; rotate vertebrae to contra side
-bilaterally; extend vertebral column and stabilize during local movements
- arises from posterior sacrum, TP of T1-3, aponeurosis of erector spinae and articular processes of C4-C7
- thickest in the lumbar region, SP, located 2-4 segments superior to proximal attachment
N: dorsal rami of spinal nerves
MA: extends the head, neck and thoracici spine, rotates contralaterally
IA: TP of C4-T12
SA: goes to occipital bones and SP in thoracic and cervical regions, spans 4-6 segments
N: *cervical dorsal rami
Name the four deep suboccipital muscles
rectus capitis posterior major, rectus capitis posterior minor, oblique capitis inferior, oblique capitis superior
Name the muscles that make up the boundaries of the triangle
Superiomedial boundry: rectus major
Superiorlateral boundry: obliquus superior
inferiorlateral boundary: obliquus inferior
What is the MA of the suboccipitals
Rectus major, rectus minor and obliquus superior: rock and tilt head into extension (these three attach to the head)
Rectus major, rectus minor and obliquus inferior: rotate head to same side (these three run slightly laterally)
obliquus capitis superior: laterally flex the head to same side
Rectus capitis posterior major
Origin and Insertion
Origin: spinous process of C2 (axis)
Insertion: lateral nuchal line
Rectus capitis posterior minor
Origin and Insertion
Origin: Posterior tubercle of C1 (atlas)
Insertion: medical nuchal line