Lec 17 - Lower Leg and Foot Flashcards
What are the superficial posterior lower leg muscles?
The triceps surae
What are the deep muscles of the posterior lower leg
flexor hallucis longus
flexor digitorum longus
tibialis posterior
MA: plantarflexes ankle joint when knee is extended, raises heel during walking, flexes knee joint
- medial head: popliteal surface of femur
- lateral head: lateral femoral condyle
DA: calcaneus via calcaneal/achilles tendon
N: Tibial N S1, S2
MA: Plantarflexes ankle joint independent of position of knee, stabilizes ankle joint
PA: posterior fibula, soleal line and medial tibia, tendinous arch between the bony attachments
DA: calcaneus via calcaneal/achilles tendon
N: Tibial N S1 S2
MA: weakly assists gastroc with plantar flexion
PA: lateral supracondylar line of femur, oblique popliteal ligament
DA: calcaneus via calcaneal / Achilles tendon
N: Tibial N S1 S2
MA: weakly flexes knee joint, UNLOCKS by rotating femur 5 degrees on fixed femur and medially rotates tibia of unplanted limb (open chain)
PA: lateral condyle of femur and lateral meniscus
DA: posterior tibia above soleal line
N: Tibial N L4 L5 S1
Flexor Hallucis Longus
MA: flexes great toes at all joints, weakly plantarflexes ankle, supports medial longitudinal arch of foot
PA: lower posterior surface of fibular and interosseous membrane
DAL Base of distal phalanx of great toe (hallux)
N: Tibial N S2 S3
Flexor Digitorum Longus
MA: Flexes lateral four digits, plantar flexes ankle joint, supports longitudinal arches of foot
PA: Posterior tibia inferior to soleal line by a broad tendon to fibula
DA: Bases of distal phalanges of digits 2-5
N: Tibial N S2 S3
Tibialis Posterior
MA: Plantarflexes ankle joint, inverts foot (medial side), maintains medial longitudinal arch (major arch tendon)
PA: interosseous membrane, posterior tibia inferior to soleal line posterior surface of fibula
DA: Tuberosity of navicular, cuneiform, cuboid, and sustentaculum tali of calcaneus
bases of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsals
N: Tibial N L4 L5
As we age, our foot arches naturally flatten. What tendon/muscles would be most affected?
Tibialis posterior can rupture
What muscles compose the lateral lower leg? What is special about their innervation?
Fibularis Longus
Fibularis Brevis
only two nerves inervated by superficial fibular nerve L5 S1 S2
Fibularis Brevis
MA: Everts subtalar joint and weakly plantarflexes foot
PA: inferior lateral fibula
DA: lateral side of 5th metatarsal
N: Superficial fibular nerve L5 S1 S2
Fibularis Longus
MA: eversion of subtalar joint and weakly plantarflexes ankle joint
PA: head and superior lateral fibula
DA: base of 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform
N: Superficial fibular nerve L5 S1 S2
Why is the fibularis longus called longus
Becomes a tendon more proximal than brevis
brevis doesn’t become a tendon until malleolus
Do the fibularis longus and brevis go under the foot?
Brevis does no
Longus does!
What muscles compose the anterior leg (shin?)
tibialis anterior
extensor hallucis longus
extensor digitorum longus
fibularis tertius
Tibialis Anterior
MA: dorsiflexes ankle joint and inverts subtalar joint
PA: lateral condyle and superior half of tibia and interosseous membrane
DA: medial cuniform and base of 1st metatarsal
N: deep fibular nerve L4 L5
Extensor Hallucis Longus
MA: extends great toes and dorsiflexes ankle joint
PA: middle anterior fibula and interosseous membrane
DA: base of distal phalanx of great toe
N: Deep fibular nerve L5 S1
Extensor Digitorum Longus
MA: extend lateral 4 digits and dorsiflexes ankle joint
PA: lateral condyle of tibia and superior surface of fibular and interosseous membrane
DA: Middle and distal phalanges of lateral four digits
N: Deep fibular n L5 S1
Fibularis Tertius
MA: DF ankle joint and aids on eversion of STJ joint
PA: inferior anterior surface of fibular and interosseous membrane
DA: dorsum of base of 5th metatarsal
N: Deep fibular N L5 S1
What motion will a muscle perform if it goes over the malleolus? Under malleolus?
Under - plantarflexion
over - dorsiflexion
Which muscles of the lower leg attach to all 3 structures of the low leg?
Tibialis posterior
Extensor Digitorum Longus
What spinal cord segments are associated with the quadriceps (knee jerk) myotatic reflex
What about the calcaneal (Achilles; ankle jerk)?
quad - L3/L4
Achilles - S1 S2
Myotomes for inversion and eversion
Inversion L4
Eversion S1
at the subtalar joint
Myotomes for Toe extension and flexion
extension L5
Flexion S2
Review myotomes for the other joints
What is special about the dermatomes of leg? Describe their general pattern starting with posterior side
Corresponds with myotomes
What dermatomes exist at the lateral and medial malleolus?
Lateral - S1
Medial - L4
The soleal line is on the front or back of tibia?
Where is the nutrient foramen?
Small opening to allow blood vessels to enter and exit
mid way down posterior tibia
Where is the groove for tibialis posterior tendon?
Know where the tibial plafond is as well
right above the medial malleolus of tibia on posterior side
area by medial malleolus
Describe the articulation of the proximal and distal tibiofibular joint
what kind of joint?
what movements?
proximal - fibular head on tibia
distal - lateral malleolus on fibular notch
synovial joints
responsible for IR and ER of lower leg (proximal) and invilved with talocrural DF/pF
What is syndesmosis?
two lower leg bones + interosseous membrane
What ligaments are associated with the tibiofibular joint
anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligaments
Superior (proximal)
Inferior (distal)