Learning & Development Flashcards
Learning & Development Encompasses 3 Focuses
- Learning: acquiring new skills
- Training: providing the KSAs
- Development: preparing for future responsibilities (long term focus)
*HRs role in development? Ensure alignment of learning/development with strategic goals.
Learning Organization
Ability to adapt to changes in its environment and respond quickly to lessons of experience by altering orgz behavior.
*Learning is accomplished by the orgz as a whole
Peter Senge’s ‘The Fifth Discipline’ (5 Disciplines)
- Systems thinking: a conceptual framework that makes patterns clearer and helps one see how things interrelate and how to change them.
- Mental modes: our deeply ingrained assumptions that influence how we understand the world and how we take action.
- Personal mastery: the high level of proficiency in a subject or skill area.
- Team learning: aligning and developing the capacity of a team to create the results its members desire.
- Shared vision: a look into the future that fosters genuine committment and its shared by all who need to possess it.
Organizational Learning
Describes certain types of learning activities or processes that may occur at any one of several levels within an orgz–individual, group, or orgz.
Individual: occurs mainly through experience or self study, classes, seminars
Group: occurs through the increase in skills accomplished within groups or teams
Orgz: begins through shared insights and knowledge of individuals and groups and then builds on past orgz memory such as policies, strategies, and models
Retention of Orgz Knowledge (2 Types)
Explicit knowledge: shared through a database or taught through a learning intervention.
Tacit: personal and experience based, more challenging to quantify.
*Overall knowledge retention involves capturing knowledge in the orgz so that it can be used later.
Knowledge Based Systems (2 Types)
Technology based: can include programs or databases that employees can access. Ex: a wiki page where you can add/edit information.
Softer systems: include meetings or other activities that take place to share knowledge and help people connect w one another. Ex: post project lessons learned, job sharing, cross training, shadowing.
Learning & Development in Global Orgz include
- Cross cultural awareness
- International assignment preparation
- Global team building and managing virutal teams
- Issues realted to laws, ethics, and orgz values.
*4 T’s travel, teams, training, transfer
Understanding the Adult Learner
Andragogy is the discipline that studies how adults learn
Self-concept: moving from dependent to self directed
Experience: ppl accumulate experiences
Readiness to learn: readiness to learn becomes oriented to the developmental tasks of their social roles
Orientation to learning: change from postponed application to immediate application and from subject focused to problem focused
Motivation to learn: motivation to learn becomes increasingly internal
Unlearn to learn: often hard headed ‘entrenched’ in how they approach learning
Relationship between Learner Participation and Retention
10%-lecture 20%-reading 40%-demonstration 50%-discussion 80%-practice by doing 90%-immediate use of learning
Obstacles to Learning–5 focuses
- Low tolerance for change
- Lack of trust
- Peer group pressure
- Bad experience with previous learning programs
- Lack of orgz commitment to learning
Learning Styles (3)
- Visual Learners: learn best through seeing, PP, Videos, Flip charts
- Auditory Learners: learn best through hearing, lectures, discussion, talking things through
- Kinesthetic Learners: learn best through a hands on approach, AKA tactile learners, they want to explore the physical world
ADDIE Stands for
Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation
ADDIE ‘Analysis’
Data is collected to identify gaps between actual and desired orgz performance. AKA a needs analysis
Needs Analysis
Assesses and identifies developmental needs at three levels:
Orgz: idenfidies KSA EEs will need in the future (where is training needed in the orgz?)
Task: compares job requirements to EEs KSA to identify areas requiring improvement (what needs to be taught and what must be done to do the job effectively?)
Individual: focuses on individual EEs and how they perform their jobs (who should be trained and what kind of training do they need?)
ADDIE ‘Design’
Broad goals and objectives are developed and broad plans for the treatment of the content and the strategy for implementation are made.
- Providing a focus for the design
- Alerting participants to what they should know at the end
- Contributing to the process of knowledge and skill transfer
- Providing a means of measuring what was learned
Training Delivery Approaches (During Design phase)
Self-Directed Study: allows learners to progress at their own pace, its flexible
Instructor-Led: traditional, delievered by an instructor to an audience, could be classrooms or virtual classrooms
On-the-job-training (OJT): provided to EEs by manager and supervisors at the actual work site
Blended Learning: a planned approach that includes a combination of instructor led training, self directed study, and/or OTJ training. *Most effective if you have the right mix
Transfer of Learning
the effective and continuing OTJ application of the knowledge and skills gained through the training experience
ADDIE ‘Development’
Materials are created, purchased, or modified to meet the stated objectives.
Types of Learning Activities
Case studies: hypothetical situation
Round robin: compete to answer a ? or complete a task
Role play: act out roles
Structured exercise: complete tasks similar to job tasks
Simulations: perform a role that resembles real life
Fishbowl: people observe a group discussion
T-groups: investigate patterns of authority & communication
Training Delivery Tools
- E-learning: via electronic media
- Learning portals: intranet site for acces to info
- Learning Mgmt System (LMS): system that holds course content
- Webinars: live meetings for presentations
- Mobile Learning: learning content that can be delivered to handheld devices
- Virutal-World Simulations: place the learner in a virtual work environment
- Social Media: posting lectures on a site, post training support on a site
ADDIE ‘Implementation’
Where the program is delivered to the target
Pilot program: offered in a controlled environment to a segment of the target audience to identify potential problems
Translation and Interpretation Material: once pilot test revisions are complete, key decisions about translation and interpretation may need to be made
Instructor Selection: a critical aspect of classroom training. Instructors can be selected on the basis of a variety of factors (training experience, SME, credibility)
Logistical Considerations: consider time zones, holidays, flexible work schedules, shifts, room availability
ADDIE ‘Evaluation’
Involves measuring the effectiveness of the training, whether the program achieved its objectives, identify best practices, cost benefit ratio of training, etc.
Kirkpatrick’s 4 Levels of Evaluation
Reaction: how participants felt about the program
Learning: how participants increased their KSAs
Behavior: how participants changed their behavior on the job
Results: how the program affected the orgz goals
ROI Involves
- Isolating the effects of the training
- Converting these effects into monetary values
- Calculating the costs of the training
- Comparing the value of the effects to the icurred cost
ROI%= program benefits-total incurred costs/total incurred costs * 100
Career Development
The process by which EEs progress through a series of stages in their careers, each of which is characterized by relatively unique issues, themes, and tasks
Career Plannnig
The actions and activities individuals perform to give direction to their work lives are collectively referred to as career planning
Career Management
The process of preparing, implementing, and monitoring an EEs career path with a primary focus on the goals and needs of the orgz
Roles in Career Development
Managers and Supervisors should serve as the support linkage between the individual and the orgz
Coach–listening to, clarifying, and assisting in career concerns
Appraiser–giving feedback and clarifying performance standards and job responsibilities
Advisor–suggesting options, making recommendations, giving advice
Referral Agent–consutling with EEs on action plans and linking them to available orgz resources
Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Details an EEs intentions and learning outcomes as well as the support necessary to meet the EEs tangible growth goals
Forms of Career Development ‘EE Self Assessment’
usually focus on a systemic process for EEs to identify their career goals and preferences
Forms of Career Development ‘Apprenticeship’
associated with technical skill development, trade associations, unions, employers
Forms of Career Development ‘Job Rotation, Enlargement, Enrichment’
Job Rotation: EE movement between different job
Job Enlargement: EE is given additional, different tasks within the same job
Job Enrichment: increases the depth of a job by adding related responsibilities such as planning, organizing, tracking, and completing report
Forms of Career Development ‘Projects, Committees, Team Participation’
involvement with special projects, committees, and task foces represents another OTJ EE development option, it builds cross cultural communication skills
Forms of Career Development ‘Internal Mobility’
Promotions: new and different duties of a different position
Demotions: staff reductions, consolidations, reorganizations
Transfers: moving an individual to a differnt position
Relocations/International Assignment: significant career development
Dual Career Ladder: provide a meaningful career path for professionals without requiring that they be placed in supervisory/manager positions
Forms of Career Development ‘Coaching v Mentoring’
coaching: one-on-one discussions between an EE and an experienced individual, they are ongoing meetings, support in mastering something to achieve extraordinary results
mentoring: developmentally oriented relationship between two ppl, mentoring usually pairs a senior colleague and a junior colleague
1. Roles: coach has an agenda to reinforce skill. mentor are more like facilitators
- Focus: coaching is short term and focused on specific development areas. mentor is longer and takes broader view of the person
- Agendas: coach helps EEs identify their own values, align goals to those values. mentor use their own experience to guide others to be successful.
Forms of Career Development ‘Universities/College, Continuing Education’
tuition reimbursement offered by orgz to support an EEs education and development
Leadership v. Leader development
Leadership: ability of an individual to influence a group toward the achivement of goals and results.
Leader Development: An orgz training and professional development programs targeted to assist management in developing the KSAs to deal with situations.
Obstacles to Leader Development
- slowly developing crises
- suppressive efforts or large and complex orgz and communities
- educational systems rewards that value individual performance over teamwork
- negative publicity
- lack of global mindset
- insufficient orgz focus on leadership development
Competencies at Different Levels in the Orgz
Lower level: administering and managing
Middle level: leading multiple orgz units, operational planning
Executive level: long range strategic planning, communicating a vision or plan, orgz wide implementation
Assessment Tools for Leader Development
Inventories: 360 assessments
Leadership Work Samples: Situation Judgement Tests (SJT)–problems they might encounter in a work environment
Leadership Work Samples: Assessment Centers–wide range of leadership situations and problem solving exercises
Emotional Intelligence: assessments designed for screening candidates for hiring
Leader Development Strategies
More Challenging Assignments (variety of experiences)
Risk Managnemt (more challenging assignment)
Hardship Testing (business mistakes, personal trauma)
Real Life Problem Solving (real risk)
Action Learning Leadership: apply insights immediately
Global Considerations in Leaders Development
'Born' v. 'Made' perceptions Local acceptance and support Orgz culture Leadership models Localization requirements
Push vs Pull
Push: Pushed to EEs based on the training departments schedule, success measured by how many EEs attended class, used for required training like compliance
Pull: Continuous process, easily accessible anywhere and anytime, usually linked to acquiring KSAs needed to perform a job
HR’s Role in Learning & Development
- Incorporating input from stakeholders
- Initiating, facilitating, and interpreting workforce analytics used to guide decisions workforce development needs
- Align with the orgz strategic goals
- Scan the internal/external environment and do needs assessment to identify learning opportunities
What do Adults Seek-out in Learning Experience
Explain the WIIFM (What’s in it for me?). Apply learning and development experiences to current and future needs
Blooms Taxonomy
Take learners from basic knowledge to deep knowledge
Other Alternatives to ADDIE
- Successive Approximation Model (SAM)
2. Action Mapping: Problem in the middle, participate in activities, an activity stream