Learning Flashcards
Experiment demonstrated that classical conditioning works in human beings. In this experiment, a previously unafraid baby was conditioned to become afraid of a rat
Little Albert
Bobo Doll Experiment
Children displayed more aggressive behavior after watching the adult display aggressive behavior
Observational Learning
Albert Bandura
Intrinsic Motivation vs Extrinsic Motivation
Self-determination theory
Found that children with a promised payoff played with the toys less than other unpaid children did later
Edward Deci
challenged the idea that all associations can be learned equally well
John Garcia
Dog, Food, Tuning Fork, Salivation, Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
Study Learning objectively
Ivan Pavlov
With Watson, showed that specific fears might be conditioned, by pairing a white rate with a frightening noise, which caused Little Albert to fear rats, and also generalized this fear to rabbits, dogs, and a sealskin coat
Rosalie Rayner
With Wagner, showed that an animal can learn the predictability of an event
Robert Rescorla
Discovered mirror neurons
Giacomo Rizzolatti
Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation
Self-Determination Theory
Youth sports coaches should not just pressure players into winning but focus on the intrinsic joy of playing and of reaching one’s potential
Richard Ryan
Theory of learned helplessness
Martin Seligman
You can teach individuals anything by providing rewards when desired behavior is displayed
Operant Conditioning
B. F. Skinner
Law of Effect
Operant Conditioning
Edward Throwndike
Latent Learning
Experiment where rats that were exploring a maze and given no obvious rewards seem to develop a cognitive map and it was not demonstrated until the experimenter places food in the maze’s goal box
Edward Chase Tolman
With Rescorla, showed that an animal can learn the predictability of an event
Allan Wagner
With Rayner, showed that specific fears might be conditioned, by pairing a white rate with a frightening noise, which caused Little Albert to fear rats, and also generalized this fear to rabbits, dogs, and a sealskin coat
John Watson
Relatively permanent change in organism’s behavior/knowledge due to experience
Tendency of the brain to stop attending to constant, unchanging information
Learning that current events occur together or are related
Associative Learning
Learned association between stimuli
Learning procedure in which associations are made between a natural stimulus and a learned, neutral stimulus
Classical Conditioning
a theory of learning which states all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment through a process called conditioning
The automatic response to the Unconditioned Stimulus (unlearned)
Unconditioned Response
A stimulus that triggers a response automatically and reflexively (unlearned)
Unconditioned Stimulus
The response to the conditioned stimulus (learned)
Conditioned Response
A previously neutral stimulus that, through learning, has gained the power to cause a conditioned response
Conditioned Stimulus