Leadership Flashcards
3.1.1 Is leadership a process or ability? (p. 53)
Both the process itself and the ability of an individual to act
3.1.2 What did the Hay Group identify as the most important leadership traits? (p. 54)
Ability to Communicate
3.1.3 What does Posner list as the most important traits? (p. 54)
- Honest
- Forward-looking
- Competent
- Inspiring
- intelligent
3.1.4 Is simply having the traits enough for a leader to inspire others? (p. 54)
No. but has to understand basic leadership principles in order to apply them.
3.1.5 List the leadership principles of the American Army. (p. 54-55)
- Know yourself and Seek Self Improvement
- Be Technically proficient
- Seek Responsibility and Take Responsibility
- Make Sound and Timely Decisions
- Set the Example
- Know your people and lookout
- Keep your workers informed
- Develop a sense of Responsibilty in workers
- Ensure Tasks are understood, supervised & accomplished
- Train as a Team
- Use the full capabilities of your organization
3.1.6 The four factors of leadership include what? Describe each. (p. 56)
- Follower - Different people require different approaches
- Leader - You must have honest understanding of who you are - Lead
- Communication- Set the example
- Situation - All are diffferent
3.1.7 Differentiate between a task-oriented, transaction, and transformational leader. (p. 57)
- Autocratic Leader: Total Authority and does not delegate * does not take peoples needs into account
- Task - oriented Leader: Focuses on the job - consentrates on spectic tasks for each person. * does not take peoples needs into account
- Transaction Leader: Perform sertain tasks and reward or punish for tem’s performance - Goal in exchange for something else
- Transformation Leader: Motivates team to be effective and efficienct. - Communication is base for goal achieviemnt * highly visible and uses chain of command * focus on big picture
3.1.8 Identify and define the four basic leadership theories. (p. 58)
- Traits: Possess certain traits
- Behaviour: Actions depend on personal orientation: concern for people, concern for task, directive, or participative
- Situation: A crisis brings out qualities
- Transformational Leadership Theory: Individuals can decide to become leaders and undertake personal development to enhance their innate abilities.
3.1.9: The Four Framework Approach to leadership describes four types of leaders who can be both effective and ineffective. Define each type of leader as an effective leader and ineffective and identify the focus for each. (p. 58-59)
- Structural Framework:
- effective leadership- The leader is a social architect whose leadership style is analysis and design.
- Ineffective leadership situation, the leader is a petty tyrant whose leadership style is a focus on details.
*Structural leaders emphasize structure, strategy, environment, implementation, experimentation, and adaptation. - Human Resources Framework:
- effective leadership- this leader is a catalyst and servant whose leadership style is to support, advocate, and empower
- Ineffective leadership situation, the leader is a pushover, whose leadership style is abdication and fraud
*Human Resource leaders believe in people and communicate that belief, are visible and accessible, and move decision-making down into the organization - Political Framework:
- effective leadership- The leader is an advocate, whose leadership style is coalition and building.
- Ineffective leadership situation, his leader can be a manipulative hustler
*Clarify what they want and what they can get. - Uses persuation first, then negotiation, and coercion if necessary - Symbolic Framework:
- effective leadership- the leader is a prophet, whose leadership style is inspiration
- Ineffective leadership situation, the leader is a fanatic or fool,whose leadership style is smoke and mirrors
*Symbolic leaders view organizations as a stage or theater to play certain roles and give impressions. These leaders use symbols to capture attention Focus: Stage- Roles - vision
3.1.10 Use the Managerial Grid to identify and describe four types of leaders. (p. 60-61)
- Authoritarian (9 on task, 1 on people)
- Team Leader (9 on task, 9 on people)
- Country Club (1 on task, 9 on people )
- Impoverished (1 on task, 1 on people) - “delegate and disappear”
3.1.11 Using the Style and Situation Model describe the different leadership styles. (p.61
- Telling: (high task/low relationship behavior) - Recommended for dealing with new staff, menial or repetitive work, or tight deadlines
- Selling: (high task/high relationship behavior) - “Coaching approach” - When people are wiling and motivated but lack experience
- Participating: (high relationship/low task behavior) - Shared desision making - When people are able but maybe unwilling or insecure
- Delegating: (low relationship/low task behavior) - Leader identifies problem but followers have responsibility of resolving - High degree of competence and maturity
3.2.1 Define communication. (p. 67)
Exchange and flow of information and idias from one person to another: Involves Sender and Reciever
3.2.2 When does effective communication occur? (p. 67)
Occurs only if the receiver understands the exact information or idea that the sender intended to transmit.
3.2.3 What three things are needed for communication to occur? (p. 67)
- Thought - First, information exists in the mind of the sender. This can be a concept, idea, information, or feelings.
- Encoding - Next, a message is sent to a receiver in words or other symbols.
- Decoding - Lastly, the receiver translates the words or symbols into a concept or information that he or she can understand
3.2.4 Differentiate between content and context. (p. 67)
- Content: Acual words or Symbols of Message/ Language
- Context: The way the message is delivered and is known as Paralanguage - it includes the tone of voice, the look in the sender’s eyes, body language, hand gestures, and state of emotions (anger, fear, uncertainty, confidence, etc.) that can be detected.
3.2.5 What are the barriers to communication? Describe each. (p. 68)
- Culture
- Noise
- Ourselves
- Perception
- Message
- Environmental
- Smothering
- Stress
3.2.6 Differentiate between listening and hearing. (p. 69)
Hearing: Soud reaches the ear
Listening: Message is understood
3.2.7 What is the difference between passive and active listeners? (p. 69)
Passive listening is little more than hearing
Active listening is a way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding.
3.2.9 What can you do in a work environment to promote better listening? (p. 70)
It can be as simple as, if you have something else on your mind, write it down before you start a conversation
3.2.10 Describe the four listening styles as well as the positive and negative aspects of each. (p. 70-71)
- People: (+) Concern - External focus - Focus on Emotions (-)May be seen as intrusive
- Content:(+) What is said - Focus on factss - will probe for details (-)May ignore other’s wishes - may reject valid info
- Action: (+) What will be done? - Look for action plans - Like things clear and concrete (-) Impatience - may hurry speakers - concerned with control rather than people
- Time: (+) Organized approach - will allocate listening time (-) Seek short answers - may constrain others
3.2.11 What is the purpose of feedback? (p. 71)
The purpose of feedback is to change and alter messages so the intention of the original communicator is understood by the second communicator
3.2.12 Describe the categories of feedback. (p. 72)
- Evaluative - Making a judgment about the worth, goodness, or appropriateness of the other person’s statement.
- Interpretive - Paraphrasing: attempting to explain what the other person’s statement means.
- Supportive - Attempting to assist or bolster the other communi cator.
- Probing - Attempting to gain additional information, continue the discussion, or clarify a point.
- Understanding - Attempting to discover completely what the other communicator means by her statements.
3.2.13 Define non-verbal communication. (p. 72)
communication without words.
3.2.14 Why is non-verbal communication used? (p. 72)
- Words have limitations and there are numerous situations where nonverbal communication is more effective than verbal. - nonverbal messages are often more genuine because they cannot be controlled as easily as spoken words.
- non-verbal signals are powerful as they can often express feelings
- nonverbal signals can express feelings that may be inappropriate to put into words
- this type of communication channel is necessary to help send complex message
3.2.15 Describe the most common types of non-verbal communications. (p. 72-73)
Eye contact - Facial Expressions - Gestures - Posture - Proximity- Vocval
3.2.16 Name and describe the ten interview types. (p. 74)
- Screening Interviews: At this stage, the objective is not to determine who best fits the position, only whether an individual should be ruled out completely.
- Informational Interview: job seeker and employer exchange information and get to know one another better without reference to a specific job opening
- The Directive Style: interviewer has a clear agenda that he or she follows unflinchingly. - series of questions, they can more readily compare the result
- The Meandering Style - candidate to lead the discussion. It might begin with a statement like “Tell me about yourself,” and then the interviewer might ask other broad, openended questions before falling into silence.
- The Stress Interview - Designed to determine if a candidate has the aptitude to withstand the company culture, the clients or other potential stress.
- Candidates may be forced to wait extensive periods of time before the interview commences, face long silences or cold stares, or perform an im possible task on the fly. - The Behavioral Interview - Interviewer use standardized methods to mine informaiton relevant to compentency in a particular area or position
- The Audition: Simulation or brief exercise
- The Group Interview: The group interview helps the company get a glimpse of how individuals interact with peers and use tools of persuasion
- The Tag-Team Interview: companies that rely heavily on team cooperation
- The Follow-up Interview: confirm first impressions, to make a selection from a ‘short-list’
3.2.17 What questions should be avoided in an interview? (p. 75)
Questions about race, gender, religion, marital status, age, disabilities, ethnic background, country of origin, sexual preferences, or age