Business Communications Flashcards
5.1 Case Studies
Useful tool to summarize issues that the organization is facing in order to analyze potentional alternatives, make recommendations, & implement plans
- No Replacement for Hand’s On experience
- They do provide a way to think through a problem and work with others in small groups to share opinions
5.1 Types and modes of communication
- Internal
- External
- Formal
- Informal
- Verbal
- Non-Verbal
5.1.1 Define internal and external communications. Identify the target audiences of each. (p. 104)
- Internal: Employees - Management - Directors
- External: Customers - Share holders - Govt - Partners - Competitors - Suppliers
5.1.2 Define and give examples of formal communication. (p. 105)
Includes: regular reporting (verbal and written), formal updates through the chain of command, and formal written reports to management. It can include both internal and external communication and be written or verbal
5.1.3 How can informal communication benefit or harm and organization? (p. 105)
Disadvantage: harmful if it takes the form of destructive gossip or the release of confidential information to competitors
Advantage: Can also be an important source of information on what is happening in the firm and the morale of employees
5.1.4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different forms of written communication? (p. 106)
- Formal Reports: (+) Permanent Record - Detailed - structured layout - assists in decision making (-) Time consuming - significant resources req
- Emails: (+) Immediate - Quick - Informal plain language - written record (-) Overload - Impersonal
5.1.4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different forms of verbal communication? (p. 106)
- Face to Face (+) Immediate - can convey emotion - personal connection (-) No record unless scribe used
- VTC: (+) Can replace costly travel (-) Needs technology
- Telephone: (+) Immediate (-) Impersonal
5.1.5 What factors determine the most appropriate form of communication? (p. 106)
- Purpose of the message.
- Length of the message.
- Speed required.
- Amount of feedback required.
- Confidentiality.
- Cost.
5.2.1 What can a case study be used for? (p. 106)
Summarize issues that an organization may be facing in order to analyze potential alternative solutions, make recommendations, and implement plans
5.2.2 Identify and describe the formal seven step process used in the analysis of a case study. (p. 106-107)
- Analyze the Competitive Environment * Start with Big picture - global economic environment, social factors, technological factors, and the impact of government
- General and Industry - Analyze the Firm: * 2 Areas: Mission Analysis ( mission / vision / purpose / strategy & Organizational Analysis Structure / Leadership / People / technologies / culture / practices
- Identify Key Change Drivers: Change drivers ask “Why is this case study being done”? This will help in determining the internal or external factors that are driving the organization
- Identify Key Management Issues: - Through analsys of Management is key
- Test Hypothesis with Frameworks and Models
- Develop Recommended Strategy * Feasable - Acceptable - Suitable - Complete
- Implement *
5.2.3 What general factors should be considered in Step One? (p. 106)
- The global economic environment
- social factors
- Technological factors
- The impact of government.
- The Industry structure
- Competitive environment.
5.2.4 What elements (sections) should be included in a case study? Describe the information contained in each section. (p. 107)
Cover Page: should clearly state the title of the case study, the author, and the date of completion
Executive Summary: ‘road map’ through the report - Highlight main issues, alternatives, and recommendation that will be elaborated - Should show major concusions and recommendations - Should intise
Main Body: Includes- Problem Statement - Assumptions - Key Issues - Alternative Solutions
Recommendations: The recommendation should flow naturally from the earlier analysis and not come as a shock
Implementation Plan: This demonstrates that the recommended course of action is feasible or achievable, and the steps needed to accomplish it
References: All references used to produce the report must be cited.
Appendices: Any supporting documents that amplify the content in the report should be attached to the report as Appendices
5.3.1 What is the purpose of the Executive Summary? (“p. 107-108)
An effective Executive Summary should entice the reader to delve into the detailed analysis in the report. - Care should be taken to keep it brief, succinct, and to the
5.3.2 How do you identify the problem statement? (p. 108)
Should be a complete and succinct statement of the entire problem or issue that the case study seeks to address * Example: This report will recommend strategies for reducing operating costs as well as a replacement vehicle for CP Energy.
5.4.1 What is the purpose of the business plan? (p. 110)
- In short, it is a plan on what that organization intends to accomplish and how.
- Highlights the economic and operational objectives of a business, and includes the comprehensive strategy and financial plan showing how the objectives are to be accomplished
5.4.2 Describe the sections of the business plan. Include their purpose to the document. (p. 110-111)
- Executive Summary - Similar to a case study, Concise summary of the business plan and must underscore the key elements of the document.
- The summary should be convincing, easy-to-read, and only a few pages in length. - Company or Department Analysis - This provides a tactical summary of the business or department detailed qualifications of the business ordepartment.
- Industry Analysis - This is an assessment of the industry- significant market research
- Customer Analysis - This is an assessment of the client sector that the group will service and will communicate the requirements
- Competition Analysis - Defines the competitive setting of the business or group and indicates the immediate and indirect competitors. - Evaluates strengths & weaknesses and defines your company or group’s advantages.
- Marketing Plan - This will detail the sales strategy, to include advertising and promotional activity, pricing plan, product or service offering, and preferred brand image.
- Operations Plan - Will detail the strategies for building the project from concept to reality, and will include the operation’s physical location, facilities and equipment,
- Management Team - This indicates that the company or department has the required human resources to succeed. The business plan also identifies key management personnel as well as outside consultants and advisers.
- Financial Plan - This indicates the funding requirements and the development of the group’s revenue and profitability plan. The plan should also contain a financial statement analysis.
- Appendix - This provides the support to the rest of the plan and includes financial projections.
5.4.3 Why are reports important? (p. 111)
They are a conduit for conveying information to either a narrow and specific audience or to a large universal group
5.4.4 What are the potential purposes of reports? (p. 111-112)
- Informational - Provide info or instruction
- Analytical - Data needs to be analyzed to solve problems - to help the reader form a conclusion and make recommendations.
- Persuasive - Selling idea or service
- Operating - Monitor & control of production / activity
- Situational - One-time issue
- Investigative - Expose and detiremine problems - furnish facts
- Compliance - Respond to Govt.
- Recommendation - Make recommendations to management
- Benchmark- Establish criteria to evaluate alternatives
- Feasibility - Used to revew and analyze problems and determine if alternatives are needed are realisitic or suitible
5.4.5 In presentations, why is it important to know your subject? (p. 113)
When a speaker can exercise the ability and knowledge to present a subject with confidence it directly affects the impression of the audience and will help keep their attention.
5.4.6 What does knowing your audience allow you to do? (p. 113)
Tailor your presentation
5.4.7 Why should you know yourself? (p. 113)
Knowing your limits may help avoid failure, or possible embarrassment.
It can also help you identify areas of weakness in order to improve as a speaker.
5.4.8 What are the four parts of a script? (p. 114)
- Opening:
- Body:
- Summary:
- Closing:
5.4.9 Describe the purpose and development of a storyboard. (p. 115)
The main purpose of the storyboard is to provide a general view of the presentation and communicate the important items to the technicians and artists who are creating and assembling the images.
2. During the storyboard phase the script can be rehearsed and easily rearranged, revised, deleted from, and added to the presentation. When the storyboard reaches final form it becomes the finished draft for your presentation.
3. Photographs or specific artwork used in an image should be clearly indicated on the storyboard or layout sheet for that image.
5.4.10 How should you follow-up presentations to ensure success? (p. 116)
- If you have prepared a follow up questionnaire, distribute it at the end of the presentation
- encourage the attendees to call or write with any questions that they did not get answered during the presentation
5.4.11 When should email be used? (p. 116)
- internal communications when it will be more efficient that a face-to-face meeting or telephone call.
- Routine announcements of driver or mechanic schedules
- Social Gatherings
- Meeting annoucements
5.4.13 What guidelines should govern personal use? (p. 118)
- Use Separate email account
- Never send personal email you wouldn’t want your boss to see - Limit Friendly emails
- Store personal emails separately or delete
- Avoid emailing corporate info to personal email addresses
- Evaluate email messages to other employees ( don’t violate privacy)
- Avoid sending chain and joke emails
5.5.1 How does the ISO define confidentiality? (p. 119 )
“ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access”
5.5.2 What is meant by privacy? (p. 119)
relates to personal information that a person would not wish others to know without prior authorization.
- Privacy relates to a person’s right to be free from the attention of others.
What a person regards as private is a personal choice,and it can change throughout one’s life.
5.5.3 What are two common employee rights? (p. 119)
Privacy and Confidentiality
5.5.4 How is confidentiality a two-way street? (p. 119)
Employees are also bound to respect the confidentiality of their employer