(LE1) Cell Biology Flashcards
Nucleus; Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote
P: no nucleus. Contain nucleoid region
E: Yes
Membrane bound organelles; Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote
P: No
E: Yes
Ribosomes; Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote
P: yes, 70s ribosome
E: yes, 80s ribosome
Chromosome structure; Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote
P: 1 circular piece
E: Variable (linear, singular, histones, etc.)
Cell wall; Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote
P: Yes, peptidoglycan
E: varies (animals;no cell wall, plants; cellulose, fungi; chitin)
Cell division; Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote
P: mitosis
E: mitosis or meiosis - sexual/asexual - clonal/recombinant
What are the magic bullet targets for bacteria characteristics?
Ribosomes, chromosome structure, and cell wall
Where do prokaryotes make ATP?
In cell membrane (no mitochondria)
Name this morphology
Name this morphology
Name this morphology
Name this morphology
Name this morphology
Name this arrangement
- Diplococci
Name this arrangement
- Staphylococci
Name this arrangement
- streptococci
Name this arrangement
What arrangements are only applicable to cocci morphologies?
Tetrad and Staphylo
What is pleomorphic?
Capable of changing shape
What is the name of the indicated appendage? What is its function?
Flagella - used for motility in response to chemotaxis
What is the name of the indicated appendage? What is its function?
Axial filament - used for motility
Found in spirochetes
What do prokaryotes use for attachment?
Fimbriae and pili
What is the function of fimbriae?
Attachment to surfaces and other cells
- fine, hairlike bristles
What is the function of pilus?
Used for attachment and conjugation (exchange of genetic information)
- rigid tubular structure
What are plasmids?
Small circular extrachromosomal pieces of DNA. Not necessary for survival, but can give prokaryotes selective advantages: antibiotic resistance, toxins, alternative energy source