(Lab 3) Cumulative & Organisms to Know Flashcards
What stain was used? What is the appearance of the result? Interpret the result.
Gram stain
Gram negative
What stain was used? What is the appearance of the result? Interpret the result.
Gram stain
Gram Positive
What test is being performed? Interpret the result indicated by the arrow.
Catalase test
What test is being performed? Interpret the result indicated by the arrow.
Catalase test
Use organism B for the following questions.
What stain was used? What is the appearance of the result? Interpret the result.
Acid-fast stain
Use organism A for the following questions.
What stain was used? What is the appearance of the result? Interpret the result.
What stain was used? What is the appearance of the result? Interpret the result.
Endospore stain
Green Spores
What test is being performed? Interpret the result
Oxidase test
What test is being performed? Interpret the result
Oxidase test
What test is being performed? Interpret the result
Fluid thioglycolate broth
Facultative anaerobe
What test is being performed? Interpret the result
Fluid thioglycolate broth
Obligate anaerobe
What test is being performed? Interpret the result
Fluid thioglycolate broth
What test is being performed? Interpret the result
Fluid thioglycolate broth
Obligate Aerobe
What test is being performed? Interpret the result
Carbohydrate Fermentation Test
Yellow: positive (+A)
- sugar fermentation without gas
What test is being performed? Interpret the result
Carbohydrate Fermentation Test
Yellow: positive (+AG)
- sugar fermentation with gas
What test is being performed? Interpret the result
Carbohydrate Fermentation Test
Orange/red: negative (-)
- no sugar fermentation
What test is being performed? Interpret the result
Carbohydrate Fermentation Test
pink: negative (-alk)
- no sugar fermentation
- protein digestion
In a nitrate reduction test, you add Nitrate reagents A & B. The media turns red. What are your results?
Nitrite (NO2-) is present
Bacteria can use Nitrate (NO3-) via Nitrate reductase
In a nitrate reduction test, you add Nitrate reagents A & B + Zn. The media turns red. What are your results?
Nitrate (NO3-) was present. Reduced by Zinc.
Bacteria cannot use Nitrate (NO3-). Negative for Nitrate/Nitrite reductase
In a nitrate reduction test, you add Nitrate reagents A & B + Zn. The media turns yellow. What are your results?
Nitrogen gas (N2) or Ammonia (NH3) is present.
Bacteria can use Nitrate (NO3-) via Nitrate reductase and further reduce it via Nitrite reductase
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Fungi: Yeast
Performs budding
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Amoeba proteus
Free-living protozoan: Sarcodina (Pseudopods)
Cytoplasmic streaming
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Entamoeba histolytica (trophozoite)
Parasitic protozoan: Sarcodina (Pseudopods)
- Amoebic dysentery
- RBCs in the cell
- Oral-fecal transmission
- cyst form is infectious stage
- Trophozoite is parasitic stage. Lives in intestines
What are the possible results of an MSA plate?
No growth: non-halotolerant
Growth: halotolerant
yellow growth: ferment mannitol
pink growth: use of proteins instead of mannitol
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Necator americanus (adult male)
- Hookworm -> anemia
- Fomite transmisssion via soil
- larvae form infectious. Looks similar to pinworm, but it’s smaller under the microscope with no eggs
What is the etiology of Syphilis? Describe the organism and signs/symptoms
Treponema pallidum
G- Spirochete
s/s: - chancre at infection site
- rash
- Permanent damage (“gumma”, neuro, joints)
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Rhizopus stolonifer
- sporangium
- nonseptate hyphae
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Aspergillus niger
- septate hyphae
- conidia
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Penicillium notatum
-septate hyphae
- conidia
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Ciliates (cilia)
- has cytosome
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Paramecium caudatum
Ciliates (cilia)
- has contractile vacuoles and cytosome
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Mastigophora/flagellate (flagella)
“eye spots”
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Mastigophora/flagellate (flagella)
Gonidia for reproduction
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Balantidium coli
Ciliophora (cilia)
Disease: Balantidiasis (rare form of dysentery)
Oral-fecal transmission
- cyst form can survive in water
Trophozite lives in intestine
Only ciliated human pathogen
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Trichomonas vaginalis
Mastigophora (flagella)
Disease: Trichomoniasis (STD)
- male: asymptomatic
- female: itching and discharge
Trophozite form found in vagina or penis. No egg form
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Trypanosoma brucei (trypomastigote)
Mastigophora (flagella)
Disease: African Sleeping sickness
Vector transmission: Tsetse fly
Kinetoplast: specialized region of mitochondria with kDNA
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Plasmodium vivax, falciparum, and malariae
Apicomplexa (gliding motion)
Disease: Malaria
- falciparum:acute and fatal
- vivax: mild, chronic, recurring
Vector: female Anopheles mosquito
Life cycle: Mosquito saliva infective stage delivers sporozite->enters liver, asexual reproduction-> released as merozites -> enters RBC -> ring stage-> asexual reproduction becomes schizont -> RBC ruptures and release gametes
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Schistosoma mansoni (with cercaria larvae)
Disease: Schistosomiasis
Waterborne Transmission
Males have gynecophoric groove
Lifecycle: eggs released in feces and urine-> hatch into miracidia-> infect snails (intermediate host) -> release cercaria larvae and burrow into human skin -> adults in Hepatic portal vein and lay eggs -> egg movement to gut and urine bladder
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Enterobius vermicularis
Disease: pinworm
Sx: itchy rectum
Larger with eggs, transmitted by ingesting eggs
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Taenia (Proglottids, Gravid Proglottids, and Scolex)
Disease: tapeworm
- saginata: undercooked beef
- solium: undercooked pork
ID the organism. What Classification does it belong to? What are its notable features?
Trichinella spiralis
Disease: Trichinosis
Transmission: undercooked contaminated pork
Larvae encyst in striated muscle