LE 9 (2024) Flashcards
- Once diagnosed with hypersexual desire in a 47 XXY patient, treatment with testosterone is safe if the patient did not exhibit which of the following?
A. Markedly increased libido
B. Paraphilia
C. Learning and behavioural difficulties
D. Obesity
Learning and behavioural difficulties
- DNA-MMR mainly repairs mismatches during?
A. Transcription
B. Translation
C. Replication
D. Elongation
- According to MacLennan et al., the majority of cases of CP, after using new generation exome sequencing, are caused by:
A. Causative mutations
B. Single gene mutations
C. Copy number variations
D. Acute intrapartum hypoxia
Acute intrapartum hypoxia
- HOX gene implicated in the development of VACTERL, except:
A. Determine vertebrate caudal segmentation
B. Implicated from animal models
C. Involved in genitourinary development
D. Involved in gastrointestinal development
Involved in gastrointestinal development
- Angelman syndrome and Prader-willi syndrome arises from?
A. Disomy
B. Trisomy
C. Tetrasomy
D. Aneuploidy
- A diagnosis of CHARGE syndrome is confirmed by chromosomal analysis with gene mutation of?
A. CDH17
C. CDH77
D. CDH27
- The first discovered mutations causing monogenetic H accounting for more than 80% are mutations of the:
A. Low density lipoprotein receptors
B. Proprotein convertase subtilisin
C. Apo B100 mRNA
D. Founder mutations
Low density lipoprotein receptors
- Majority of DMD gene mutations are caused by?
A. Extragenic suppression
B. Intragenic deletions
C. Extragenic recombination
D. Intragenic interactions
Intragenic deletions
- The least expensive instrument and assay cost are generated by which of the following DNA sequencing machines?
A. Illumina 454
C. Ion Torrent sequencing
D. Ion Personal Genome machine
Ion Personal Genome machine
- The most acceptable theory of the pathogenesis of trisomy 21?
A. Amplified developmental instability
B. Allele dosage
C. Gene-dosage
D. Genome duplication
- Majority of the human body’s hormone is a/an:
A. Peptide
B. Steroid
C. Glycoprotein
D. All of the above
All of the above
- If the substance has an effect on the cell which produced and secreted it, it is called a/an:
A. Endocrine
B. Paracrine
C. Autocrine
D. All of the above
- Which hormone is expected to increase after eating a slice of chocolate mousse?
A. Glucagon
B. Prolactin
C. Insulin
D. Parathyroid hormone
- Which hormone/s will be released upon stimulation of the Thyroid stimulating hormone?
A. Thyroxine
B. Triiodothyronine
C. Thyrotropin releasing hormone
D. Only A and B
Only A and B
- Which hormone requires more than one organ for its production?
A. Glucagon-like peptide
B. 1,25 (OH)2-D3
C. Calcitonin
D. Angiotensin II
B. 1,25 (OH)2-D3
- The characteristic structure of hormones derived from cholesterol includes the following:
A. 3 cyclopentane and 1 cyclohexane
B. 4 cyclopentane and 1 cyclohexane
C. 3 cyclohexane and 1 cyclopentane
D. 4 cyclohexane and 1 cyclopentane
3 cyclohexane and 1 cyclopentane
- What amino acid is a chemical building block that acts like a protein and sometimes like a steroid?
A. Proline
B. Tryptophan
C. Tyrosine
D. Valine
C. Tyrosine
- Insulin is a glycoprotein similar to follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone. Their similarity lies in the:
A. Alpha subunit
B. Beta subunit
C. Delta subunit
D. All of the above
Alpha subunit
- The following are second messengers, EXCEPT:
A. Adenylyl cyclase
D. Phosphatidylinositol
Adenylyl cyclase
- If a hormone activates a receptor, the following events occur, EXCEPT:
A. Receptor will have a conformational change
B. GTP is converted to GDP
C. G-protein complex is activated
D. Alpha subunit binds to and activates the effector cell
B. GTP is converted to GDP
- Phospholipase activation by a G protein will result in activation of the following messengers:
A. IP3
C. Both
D. Neither
A. IP3
- What hormone uses cGMP as its second messenger?
A. Nitric oxide
B. Oxytocin
C. Growth hormone
D. Thyroid stimulating hormone
Nitric oxide
- Which of the following hormones is secreted in equimolar amounts with the C-peptide?
A. Catecholamines
B. Thyroxine
C. Parathyroid hormone
D. Insulin
- Which of the following hormones is synthesized in its active form and are stored in granules before being released into circulation through exocytosis?
A. Catecholamines
B. Thyroxine
C. Parathyroid hormone
D. Insulin
- Which of the following hormones are stored and can supply body the longest (lasting up to weeks)?
A. Catecholamines
B. Thyroxine
C. Parathyroid hormone
D. Insulin
- How can receptors be differentiated with transport proteins?
A. Receptors are highly reversible
B. Receptors are highly concentrated
C. Receptors are able to induce signal transduction
D. Receptors have very low binding affinity to cells
Receptors are able to induce signal transduction
- Which of the following explains the need for hormones to be associated with a plasma carrier protein?
A. To circumvent the problem of solubility
B. To prolong the half-life of the hormone
C. To be directly affect the transcription of protein being activated
D. Only A and B
Only A and B
- Which of the following is related to hormones that bind to a cell surface receptor?
A. Lipophilic
B. Water soluble
C. Associated with plasma carrier protein
D. Can easily cross the cell membrane
Water soluble
- Which of the following hormones DO NOT bind to a cell surface receptor?
A. Glucagon
B. Thyroxine
C. Somatostatin
D. Thyroid stimulating hormone
- Which of the following is related to hormones that bind to an intracellular receptor?
A. Lipophilic
B. Short plasma half-life
C. Protein and polypeptide type
D. Mediated by cAMP or cGMP
- Which of the following hormones bind to an intracellular receptor?
A. Androgen
B. Nitric oxide
C. Calcitonin
D. Anti-diuretic hormone
- Which of the following are considered to be the biologically active form of hormones?
A. Bound to plasma transport protein
B. Bound to plasma carrier protein
C. Free hormone
D. Only A and B
Free hormone
- Among hormones that bind to the cell surface receptors, which would act as the first messenger?
A. Hormone itself
B. Carrier protein of the hormone
C. Effector cells
D. G protein-coupled receptor
G protein-coupled receptor
- If the Inositol 1,4,5 triphosphate (IP3) is stimulated, what would increase intracellularly?
B. Ca
C. K+
D. Na
- Which hormone when activated would bind with high affinity to specific DNA sequences called hormone response element (HRE)?
A. Group I hormones
B. Group II hormones
C. Both
D. Neither
Group II hormones
- Inadequate intake of iodine may cause the following, EXCEPT:
A. Goiter
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Cretinism
D. Wilson’s disease
Wilson’s disease
- Principal cation in the intracellular fluid compartment:
A. Potassium
B. Sodium
C. Copper
D. Phosphorus
- True of vitamin D, EXCEPT:
A. D2 is the form which is vegetable in origin
B. D3 is the form which is animal in origin
C. Rickets manifests as brittle bones due to demineralization
D. Induces synthesis of transport proteins for calcium in intestinal mucosa
C. Rickets manifests as brittle bones due to demineralization
- Pernicious anemia is the classic consequence of:
A. Thiamine deficiency
B. Cobalamin deficiency
C. Pantothenic acid deficiency
D. Folic acid deficiency
Cobalamin deficiency
- Which of the following is a biochemical indicator of pyridoxine deficiency?
A. Increased urinary excretion of cystathionine
B. Decreased urinary excretion of pyridoxic acid
C. Increased excretion of xanthurenic acid following tryptophan load
D. All of the above
D. All of the above