Last week Flashcards
BP norms
Normal: less than 120/less than 80
Pre: 120-129/less than 80
1: 130-139/80-89
2: 140+/90+
Crisis: 180+/120+
All about MS
UMN disorder of demyelination of myelin sheaths = motor impairments
hypereflexia, increased DTR, spasticity/increased tone
ABI norms
1.2+ = calc
.9-1.2 = norm
.75-.9 - mild
.5-.75 = mod
.5 = severe
GOLD COPD classifications
FEV1 less than 30 = very severe
FEV1 30-50 severe
FEV1 50-70 mod
FEV1 70+ mod
Radial/ulnar deviation with D1 flexion
LE D2 extension
Independent pressure relief occurs at what SCI
C6 - lat
High C1-C4 injury expected outcomes
dependent with bed mobility and transfers
modI with power tilt for pressure relief (dependent otherwise)
C5 injury expected outcomes
mod to maxA bed mobility and transfers (sliding board)
C6 injury expected outcomes
minA bed mobility
IND sliding board transfer
IND pressure relief
IND with smooth surface manual WC - will need friction rims
Anterior cord syndrome
motor and sensory loss BL (corticospinal)
pain/temp loss BL (spinolthalamic)
Decongesting lymphatics
trunk followed by prox followed by distal
Resting position of hand
MCP flexion, slight flexion of digits, thumb abduction
Peg in anterior chamber
= DF stop
Peg in posterior chamber
= PF stop
Plagiocephaly occurs same or opposite side of torticollis
Patient has overactive upper trap with elevation. When using EMG biofeedback should you increase the sensitivity or decrease to promote proper muscle recruitment?
Increase - makes more sensitive to a smaller muscle contraction - which trains patient to use that overworked muscle less
Base vs apex of patella
base - top
apex - bottom
How to fix - For anteriorly rotated innominate
hip flexors are short - so contract glute/hip extensors
Time to HR return to baseline is used as
means of respiratory fitness
Femoral hernia pain pattern
lateral abd wall
Case control vs cohort study
case control - start with two groups of similar characteristics but one has a condition and other doesnt (ex diabetes) - choose a varibale (ex smoking) work backward to see if exposure had coorelation
relatives are same
uses relative risk =
typically prospective
Myocardial oxygen demand is closely related to what value
When should active bleeding stop post surgery
3 days - turns from bright red to serosangiounous
First step in change theory and patient education
determine readiness to learn
peroneal nerve is a branch of what
Normal plumb line
If criticial value is above the set value then you can
reject the null = statistically significant
DEhydration = affect on HR/BP
Low prostate antigen =
healthy prostate
a high level would indicate BPH
Coorelation =
says theres a relation but is not grounds for causation
18 - under
18-25 nornmal
25-30 - overweight
30 + obese
Repeated palpation of carotid pulse can cause
reflexive drop = decrease in HR and blood pressure
VO2 max and submaximal exercise testing test
capacity - not necessarily endurance
Capsular pattern is often onset with
traumatic arthriits following injury or gradual onset
painful arc is typically not associated with capsular pattern
Disk bulge at L4-L5 will most likely affect the
L5 nerve root
compresses the nerve root numbered one spinal level inferior to the herniated disc
Interventions for low tone
mnual joint approx
Interventions for increased tone
manual vibration
Cogwheel rigidity
ratchet tremoring/stiffness with passive movememt
Tunneling vs undermining
tunneling = thin tract (sinus tract) in one direction
undermining - can be borader and in multiple directions
Bakodys sign =
TEACHING to dementia
auditory and visual combined
let them pace the learning
one step instructions
Proximal/distal weakness with hypothyporism
severe hypothyroidsm = organ failure
Cushings = hyper or hypokalemia
slow - weak
CD4 less than … = AIDS