Landlord and Tenant Level 1 Flashcards
What are the main commercial details that are necessary in a lease renewal?
- Term (break clauses)
- Inside the Act?
- Rent
- timing
- amount - L&T covenants
- Use class
- Dispute resolution
What did you detail in a lease summary?
- Name/Address
- Landlord and Tenant
- Lease date
- Lease term
- Security of Tenure
- Rent review clause
- Current rent
- Repairs and Redecoration
- User
- Assignments and
What clauses impact value?
- Restrictive use class
- V long/ v short lease length
- Restrictive alienation clause - restrictive would decrease the value
- Break clauses
- Repairing obligations
What is the significance of Section 24-28 of the Landlord and Tenant Act?
It establishes “security of tenure” for tenants
which gives them the right to remain in their premises after their original tenancy ends
What does security of tenure give a tenant?
- Protection
Tenants are protected from being evicted by their landlord - Renewal
Tenants have the right to renew their lease unless the landlord has a valid reason to oppose
How does security of tenure impact landlords?
- Grounds for s.25
- Can negotiate new lease terms
- Less control
What does S.24 cover?
Continuation tenancies/holding over
- Business tenancy does not expire by effluxion of time but when one party serves notice
- No notice served= holding over until landlord or T serves
What is a S.25 and the timeframes?
Served by landlord
- hostile or non-hostile depending on whether or not landlord is opposing renewal
* Cannot serve if s.26 has been served
* Must be served not more than 12 months and not less than 6 months before the termination date
What is a non hostile 25 notice and what must it contain?
- Landlord is not opposing a lease renewal.
- Must set out proposals for new tenancy and new rent
What is a hostile 25 notice?
Landlord opposes renewal and must include grounds of opposing
What must be in a S.25?
- Name and address of landlord and tenant
- Address of property
- Notice of date to end the tenancy
- Confirmation whether new lease is opposed or granted
- If non-hostile: include landlords proposal
- If hostile: Grounds of opposition
- Recommendation to seek professional advice
What is a S.26, what is in it and what are the timeframes to oppose?
- Tenant serves notice requesting a new tenancy
- Must state tenants proposal and proposed rent, property details, date of new tenancy
- If landlord opposes, a counter notice must be served within 2 months
What are the time periods of serving a S.26?
Beginning with a date not more than 12 months and not less than 6 months after making of a request.
If a S.26 is opposed how long do you have to serve a counter notice?
2 months
What is a S.26 counter notice?
Document that a landlord can serve to a tenant to oppose a request for a new tenancy
What must be included in a s.26 counter notice?
The counter notice must state the grounds for opposing the new tenancy
What is a S.27?
When the tenant does not want the lease to continue beyond the original fixed term.
What are the time periods of serving a s.27?
A least 3 month’s Notice, expiring at the lease end, that they are intending to vacate
Does a tenant have to serve a s.27?
No, they can simply vacate by contractual expiry of the original lease
What is S.28?
Tenant can serve a S.28 to contract themselves out of the Act after a lease renewal
- The current tenancy will come to an end and new tenancy outside Act will start
What different bases of Rent Reviews are there?
Indexation (cap/collar)
Stepped increases
OMRV (upwards only)