Ethics Condensed Flashcards
What are the new RICS documentation categories?
Professional Standards
- Document that set out guidance for competent and ethical practice
- eg existing Professional statements and guidance
Practice information
Document that provides advice or practice support to RICS members and firms
Why is the change occurring for RoC?
Following the Bichard Review:
* They want to ensure RICS standards are up to date and easy to use.
Define Professional Standard
A set of guidelines that outline the expected behaviors and competencies of RICS members
Define Practice Information
- These provide advice or practice support to RICS members and firms.
- They are not mandatory.
- It does not make explicit recommendations.
- It includes processes, toolkits, checklists, insights etc.
When is the change rolling out (PS/PG)?
RICS are currently reviewing and re-categorising documentation.
Royal Charter
A document that gives an organization legal status and defines its powers, objectives, and constitution.
RICS has a Royal Charter, initially granted by Privy Council in 1881
What sets out the governance of the institution?
RICS Regulations and Bye Laws set out the governance of the Institution
What are the FOUR levels of membership?
There are 4 levels of membership
3. AssocRICS
4. Trainee/Student
What to do to become a fellow?
- Evidence of achievement of FOUR fellowship characteristics, which include:
* five or more years at MRICS,
* a leadership role,
* professional/technical achievement,
* academic achievement or
* raising the profile of RICS - A portfolio of professional achievement to support the application is required to include your CPD
Current governance structure
- Governed by internal councils and boards
- Governing council has 20 members
- The Standards and Regulation Board and the Management Board report to the governing council
- There are 17 specialist professional groups covering property, land and construction
What does the governing council do?
- Runs the RICS
- Providing management and strategic direction
Who is the current Chief Executive officer?
Justin Young
Who is the current president and what do they do?
Justin Sullivan FRICS
* He chairs Governing council
What is the role of the RICS?
- Promote and enforce the highest professional qualification and standards
What are the THREE main roles of the RICS?
- Highest standards of education and training
- To protect consumers through strict regulation
- To be the leading source of information and independent advice on land, property, construction and associated issues (RICS 2015).
What was the Levitt Review?
- Undertaken in 2021.
- Public exposure of the lack of clarity, structure and purpose of RICS governance arrangements.
- Levitt called for a full independent review of ‘purpose, governance and strategy’ of RICS.
This led to a review by Lord Michael Bichard.
What was Bichard Review?
- Followed the Alison Levitt Review in 2021.
Aim: to clarify the PURPOSE of RICS, including its responsibility to act for the public advantage.
Provide proposals for incoming leadership/governing body on the future culture and strategy of the institution. - RICS recruited Diversity, Equality and Inclusion and Sustainability Panel Chairs.
What were the 7 key areas of the 36 recommendations?
What are the FIVE Future Foundations in November 2023 following the Bichard Review
What are the 5 benefits of being an RICS member?
- Status - your professional credentials provide unrivalled client confidence
- Recognition – Promotion of your professional excellence to governments and markets
- Market advantage – RICS status and standards gives you a competitive advantage.
- Knowledge – International practice standards, professional guidance, CPD and knowledge sharing
- Network – Access to professional worldwide
What major challenges do the RICS face?
- Women in property – RICS launched first Women in Surveying Insight Report in July 2023. Looked at challenges such as discrimination, bias and inequity. In UK and Ireland, women represent 17% of RICS members.
- Sustainability – built environment accounts for around 40% of global carbon emissions. RICS Sustainability Report 2022. RICS Value the Planet Campaign (aims to help implement UN Sustainable Development Goals)
- Fire Safety – fire safety in buildings and external wall systems. UK Fire Safety conference in November 2023 on building safety and EWS1. Fire Safety Act 2021, Building Safety Act 2022, Fire Safety Regulations 2022. RICS published professional statement on ‘Valuation approach for properties in multi-storey, multi-occupancy residential buildings with cladding’ in 2022.
FOUR Requirements for registration
- Firms providing surveying services to the public must register for regulation to ensure that there is a recognised quality benchmark for all firms.
If there are no RICS members, a firm cannot register - Regulation provides a ‘gold standard’ of quality control for clients
- Firms must annually make a return to the RICS confirming their compliance with their obligations
- A practice can be a corporate body (a company), a partnership, an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a legal business structure that combines the flexibility of a partnership with the limited liability of a company) or a sole practitioner practice
RICS ‘Rules for the regulation of firms’ 2022
- If 50% RICS members then it has to be regulated,
- If at least 25% then it can apply to be regulated
- Need a ‘Responsible Principal’ to ensure compliance
Information required by the RICS for Registration
- Type of business
- Name of the responsible principal
- Statutory regulated activities – such as for financial services
- Nature of clients
- Complaints handling procedure details and records
- Professional indemnity insurance details
- Whether the firm holds client’s money
When were the Rules of Conduct published?
Published October 2021, effective 2nd February 2022.
What do the Rules of Conduct do?
- Promoting and enforcing the highest ethical standards in valuation, the development and management of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure.
- Global basis.
- They apply to both members and firms.
- They replace the previous Rules of Conduct for Members and Firms and the 5 Global Professional and Ethical Standards.
Why do we have Rules of Conduct?
Sets out the standards of professional conduct and practice expected of RICS members and firms
Rule 1
Members and firms must be honest, act with integrity and comply with their personal obligations to RICS
Rule 2
Members and firms must maintain their professional competence and ensure that services are provided by competent individuals who have the necessary expertise
Rule 3
Members and firms must provide good quality and diligent service
Rule 4
Members and firms must treat others with respect and encourage diversity and inclusion
Rule 5
Members and firms must act in the public interest, take responsibility for their actions and act to prevent harm and maintain public confidence
Three Professional Obligations for members?
RICS members must:
1. Comply with the CPD requirements set by RICS
2. Cooperate with RICS
3. Provide all information reasonably requested by the Standards and Regulation Board
SEVEN Professional obligations for firms (Appendix to Rules of Conduct)
- Publish a CHP and maintain a complaints log
- Appropriate PII cover
- If having a sole principle, make appropriate arrangements for their professional work to continue in the event of their incapacity, death or absence from work
- Cooperate with RICS
- Provide all information requested by the Standards and Regulation Board,
- Display on their business literature, in accordance with RICS’ published policy on designation, a designation to denote that they are regulated by the RICS
- Report to RICS any matter that they are required to report under the Rules for the Registration of Firms.
Why have the Rules of Conduct been updated?
- Provide one clear framework
- Provide clear examples alongside each rule.
- Focus on respect, diversity and inclusion.
- Understand evolving technology.
- Tackling global challenges such as sustainable development.
- To respond to new risks and challenges.
What is the ethics decision tree?
Provides a framework of questions which members should ask themselves when facing a situation in which they are asked to act in a potentially unethical manner or situation
Why is it important to regulate the surveying profession?
- To protect the public
- Uphold confidence in the profession
- Uphold professional standards
Who undertakes disciplinary procedure?
Undertaken by the Standards and Regulation Board
What is the guidance on disciplinary procedure?
RICS Regulatory Tribunal Rules 2022
What is the guidance for the regulatory approach?
RICS Regulatory Decision Making 2022 provides an outline of the regulatory approach by RICS of regulated members, non-members and firms
Action by a Disciplinary Panel
Use for serious breaches of conduct
What are the penalties available to a Regulatory Tribunal Disciplinary Panel?
- Issue a Regularity Compliance Order (as above)
- Reprimand
- Fine
- Impose an unlimited amount of fine
- Impose conditions upon future continued RICS registration
- Expulsion
- Require publication of the results of the hearing
What is the associated guidance with use of social media?
Regualtion: Use of social media: guidance for RICS members 2021
What does the guidance on social media state?
RICS is likely to investigate concerns about social media posts where they involve:
1. Discrimination
2. Dishonesty
3. Abusive or threatening behaviour
4. Bullying/harassment
5. A pattern of frequent or a large number of concerning communications
6. Ignoring previous advice or warnings about concerns
When is the RICS unlikely to investigate social media posts?
RICS notes that it is unlikely to investigate social media posts which:
* Are critical of an organisation, its policies and performance, rather than individuals
* Use professional and respectful language
What is the latest on Professional Standards?
- The RICS is in the process of re-categorising all current PS and GN to become Professional Standards
What is a Professional Standard?
- ‘Set requirements or expectations about how they provide services or outcome of their actions’
- Mandatory requirements, use the word ‘must’ and these must be complied with
- Recommended practice uses the word ‘should’
What is an RICS Practice Information?
Information to support the
- practice,
- knowledge and
- performance of RICS members and regulated firms
What are examples of practice information?
These can include but are not limited to:
- good practice,
- information,
- insights of processes
What must be included in ToE?
- clients agreement to proposed fee basis
- agreement of payments of expenses
- copy of CHP can be available upon request
What do you know about fee negotiations?
- Avoid price fixing
- Market-based and agreed on an ad-hoc basis.
- Consider level of service when negotiating.
- Be completely transparent (e.g., if a referral fee is involved).
- Consider the Bribery Act 2010 and the RICS Rules of Conduct.
What is the relevant guidance on granting and receiving referral fees?
Bribery Act 2010 and the RICS Rules of Conduct 2021
When agreeing fees what should be considered?
- Time
- Cost
- Quality
THREE steps of Terms of Engagement
- Competent
- No conflicts of interest or personal interest
- Confirm terms of engagement in writing and get written approval from the client BEFORE you start work on the instruction
Why might you decline an instruction?
- Not competent
- Insufficient facts
- The client won’t sign ToE or complete AML checks
- Conflict of Interest
- PII liability cap cannot be agreed
- The advice is for a friends or on a pro bono basis and your PPI cover does not cover work done on a personal basis
- The potential client is included in the UK governments sanctions list
What is a conflict of interest?
Arises when a member of firms independence and impartially is threatened due to the existence of conflict between two client.
Conflict avoidance v conflict management (‘No v Yes’)
- A conflict avoidance = do not accept the instruction
- Conflict management = instruction is accepted, and steps are agreed and put in place to manage the conflict, with the written agreement of all parties
What is the RICS Guidance on Conflicts?
RICS Global Professional Standard: Conflicts of Interest 2017
What does the guidance on conflicts state?
- 3 types of conflict:
- “Informed consent” must be given
- Must be in best interest of all parties and legal.
- All conflicts must be managed in accordance with the Professional Standard
- All firms must keep records to show their compliance with the Standard
What is informed consent?
- This can only by given in writing
- Need to be transparent about any material factors
- Only seek informed consent if satisfied that all relevant parties are best served by doing so
What 2 things do you consider when managing a conflict?
- Transparency
- Openness
What are the 3 steps of handling a conflict of interest?
1. Conflict avoidance
* Consider whether the conflict is irresolvable because your impartiality is compromised and should be avoided or whether it can be properly managed maintaining transparency and openness
2. Written advice to both parties
* Disclose the nature of the conflict and how you propose to manage it
* Be clear – so parties can make informed decisions
* Request written consent
3. Conflict management
* Set up information batter
How should information barriers be operated?
- The barrier must be robust
- Must be physically separated, preferably in different buildings, or different floors
- There is a virtual IT barrier
- Information should be securely stored
- Keep a clear audit trail of the conflict check process
What is an personal/own interest conflict?
- This arises when acting for a family member, a close business associate or someone with whom you have financia (‘connected person’)
- You must not let a personal interest interfere with or influence your professional judgment.
- Full transparency is required
What is client confidentiality?
- RICS Byelaws state that client confidentiality must be maintained.
- Permission to share information is needed unless under investigation.
- Files must be held for a minimum of 6 years before disposal.
What would you do if you overheard confidential information?
- Cannot be used for own purposes, info disposed of securely.
- Client must be notified of error and matter recorded.
What does the RICS state regarding the CHP?
- Firms must have a published complaints handling procedure (CHP) that meets the requirements of the RICS Rules of Conduct 2021.
- CHP needs to be in ToE
- Need to notify your PPI insurers if there is a claim for negligence
- A complaints log must be maintained t
- Firm must include an RICS approver Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanism in their CHP.
What must be detailed in the complaints log?
- details,
- progress and
- outcome of any complaints
What is the first thing you do when there is a complaint?
Notify PI insurers and CHP must be approved by the RICS.
Whenever the firm receives a complaint from who they owe a duty of care.
What is stage 1 on CHP?
STAGE 1 – In House
1. CHP details issued,
2. clear procedure,
3. complaints handling officer,
4. submitted in writing.
Acknowledged within 7 DAYS and Investigated within 28 DAYS.
What is CBREs CHP timeframes?
Acknowledged within 5 DAYS and Investigated within 20 DAYS
What is stage 2 of CHP?
STAGE 2 – ADR, 3rd Party
* If unresolved, an appropriate redress mechanism must be provided such as the** Property Redress Scheme** and the RICS Dispute Resolution Service.
Whats included in CBRE ToB
- Charges and expenses
- Payment of fees
- Liability
- Termination
- Money laundering and sanction regulations
- Processing of data
What are the 6 types of ADR?
- Negotiation
- Mediation – neutral mediator – facilitates discussions between parties.
- Early neutral evaluation – independent, non-binding opinion
- Ombudsman – confidentially receive case details and instigates resolution of complaint.
- Arbitration(Arbitration Act 1996)
- Independent Expert Determination (RICS Guidance Note 2016)
What are the FOUR requirements of CPD?
- Min 20 hours CPD in a calendar year
- at least 10 must comprise Formal CPD.
- Must maintain current understanding of RICS Rules of Conduct during a rolling 3-year period
- All member much record their CPD activity using the RICS CPD management system
What is the difference between formal and informal learning
- Structured learning
- Self-managed learning
Why would there be a negligence claim?
- Duty of care is breached
- Claim for damages arises
What is the Statutory Compliance for setting up a new practice? (NINE)
- Disclose business name.
- Equality Act 2010, Financial services Act 2012, Bribery Act 2010.
- Money Laundering Regulation 2007 – appoint Money laundering officer
- Health and Safety Compliance - Health & Safety Act 1974, Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
- Fire safety compliance, - Fire Safety Act 2021
- Register for data protection - GDPR 2016 and Data Protection Act 2018 compliance.
- Inform HMRC – VAT threshold = £90k per annum.
- Compliance with current employment law.
- Ensure insurance compliance for employer and public liability
How to avoid negligence?
- Understand the clients objectives
- Confirm scope Terms of Engagement
- Ensure you are competent
- Make detailed file notes and take photographs
- Keep up to date with market knowledge and legislation
- Cap the professional liability excess on your PII policy in the terms of engagement
What is the Limitation Act 1980?
Limits the time period for legal action to be taken against debtors and for breaches of the law.
- Contract - 6 years from date of negligent act / 3 years from date of knowledge / 15 years long stop date.
- Tort – 6 years from the date the claimant suffered the loss.
What is Professional Indemnity Insurance?
- To protect clients, surveyors and third parties against negligence claims when their duty of care is breached and a claim for damages arises
- appropriate level of insurance is in place
- All policies must be underwritten by an RICS approved insurer, as found on the RICS website
- Mandatory for surveyors working in practice
What is the RICS compliance on closing a practice?
- Inform the RICS of your closure and deregister
- Inform clients and hand over to a new firm
- Return any monies held by client to their own accounts
- Inform insurers and procure PII run-off cover for a minimum of 6 years
- Retain a copy if the client files and records for a minimum of 6 years.
What is the RICS guidance on Professional Indemnity Insurance?
RICS Regulation: RICS Professional Indemnity Insurance Requirements 2022
What does RICS Professional Indemnity Insurance Requirements April 2022 state?
- An appropriate level of insurance is in place for each instruction
- Consideration on potential liabilities which may exist
- All policies must be underwritten by an RICS approved insurer, as found on the RICS website