Development Appraisal Level 1 Flashcards
What is the new legislation around CIL and S.106
- Regeneration Bill
- Under review to have one charge as 1 cost (Infrastructure Levy)
- More in line with CIL
- Key difference to will be set a a % of final gross development
- local authorities will set a rate in their area
What are included in development costs?
- Constructions costs
- Professional fees
- Planning
- Contingency
- Finance
Why ae build costs on a GIA basis?
Same as BCIS so comparable with BCIS data
What are typical types of financing?
- Bank lending
- Equity
- Joint Ventures
Would the end of the stage of development impact value?
Yes - de-risk
- Less contingency
- Keener yield due to increased security
- Indication of interest - idea of how it may succeed?
Likely to increase in value
What % of debt do you assume?
Argus assumes 100% debt
What are overhead costs?
Overheads are the calculated costs of running the company contracted to carry out the project e.g. staff costs. Site overheads (preliminaries) include site accommodation, welfare provision and insurance
What are the limitations of Residual appraisals?
Very susceptible to market changes as it is based on market inputs
1. Relies on accurate inputs
2. It does not consider timing of cash flows
3. Sensitive to minor changes
4. Implicit assumptions hidden and not explicit (unlike DCF).
If the development become very complex with lots of additions from the client what would you?
- Get advice from a supervisor
- They may advise using a DCF as it simplifies the information
What is an example of a S.106 agreement?
Affordable student units ie 30%
How would contaminated land impact your development appraisal?
It takes time to remove so may be impacted in the yield
How did you deduce you sales and legal fees?
They were in line with the market
Why is BCIS data not necessarily accurate?
Only 25% of data is actually updated
Not represntative of the whole market
How might completion date impact value?
Building Safety Act states that you need 2 months after completion to sign off before it can be let.
This means if completed after June it will eat into the letting period
What are the main concepts within the Financial Viability in Planning: Conduct and Report? ONE
Ensures that RICS members have acted with objectivity, impartially, without interference and with reference to all available sources of information