Health and Safety Flashcards
How do you follow the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974?
- Lines of accountability for management of health and safety
- Policies and procedures for work undertake e.g. lone working procedures
- Identification and management of foreseeable risks e.g. risk assessments
- Training of health and safety
- Processes to manage contractors/sub-contractors
- Appropriate insurances (e.g. employer’s liability)
What are the salient points of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974?
Duty of care of employer to ensure health, safety, and welfare. Policed by Health and Safety Executive (HSE) – criminal law.
Must report injuries and dangerous occurrences and regularly review risk assessments.
Hazard – something with potential to cause harm.
Risk – likelihood of harm being realised.
How do you follow RICS Surveying Safely 2nd edition (2018) Professional Standard
What are the salient points of RICS Surveying Safely 2nd edition (2018) Professional Standard?
- Basic, good practice principals for the management of health and safety for RICS-regulated firms and RICS members
- Principles for those engaged in the built environment as property professionals and includes health and safety responsibilities:
At a corporate level or at the level of the individual RICS member
What PPE would you take on inspections?
- Hard hat – different colours mean different things
- Hi-vis jacket
- Respiratory protection
- Eye and ear protection
- Hair nets
- Foot protection
- Gloves
what is your company’s lone working policy?
- Undertake risk assessment and dynamic risk assessments
- Schedule lone working on Outlook calendar, include site address, time and contact numbers
- Assign someone to be responsible for monitoring the lone worker.
- Ensure they have completed CBRE Lone Worker training
- Carry charged mobile phone
- Report any incidents when lone working
What is the structure of RICS Surveying Safely 2nd edition (2018) Professional Standard?
- P - Personal Responsibilities
- A - Assessing hazards and risks (including risk assessments)
- W - Workplace health and safety
- O - Occupational hygiene and health
- V - Visiting premises and sites
- F - Fire safety
- R – Residential property surveying
- P - Procurement and management of contractors
Safe person – individual who assumes behavioral responsibility for their own and their colleagues h&s while at work.
What is the Fire Safety Act 2021?
Following the Hackitt Review, reforms the Fire Safety Order 2005.
* Regular inspections of lifts to be reported to fire service.
* Evacuation plans regularly updated and for disabled people.
* Ensuring residents are provided with an evacuation plan.
* Responsible person appointed who ensures risk is reduced.
* Ensure flat doors comply where external walls unsafe cladding.
RICS Guidance Note: Valuation of Properties in multi-storey, multi- occupancy residential buildings with cladding 2022.
What is the guidance on cladding for resi properties?
RICS Professional Standard: Valuation of Properties in multi-storey, multi- occupancy residential buildings with cladding 2021.
To support valuers undertaking valuations for secured lending purposes on domestic residential blocks of flats in the UK.
When do need to undertake a risk assessment?
A legal requirement if there is more than 5 staff members.
How to undertake a risk assessment?
I – Identify hazards and people at risk.
E – Evaluate the risk. R – Record findings. R – Review regularly.
A – Advise all affected the outcome and methods to minimise risk.
What is the guidance on a dual stair core?
Michael Gove announced in July that all new residential blocks over 18m or 7 storeys will need to have two stair cores.
Amendment made to Document B – was previously buildings over 30m.
Mandatory from December 2023 – applications prior are still eligible.
External Wall Systems (EWS)
Following the Grenfell tragedy, many tall resi buildings have unsafe EWS To enable valuation of these, EWS forms have been introduced for: Flats, PBSA, Care homes, HMOs, Mixed use residential, NOT hotels.
EWS1 confirms building has been assessed for safety. They consider: Height, Cladding, Presence of Balconies/Combustible Material.
Valid for 5 years. Decision tree on RICS website. Balconies vertically above each other - bad ACM – Aluminium composite material cladding MCM – Metal Composite Material
What is a risk?
Risk is the likelihood (whether high or low) of the harm (e.g. risk of falling on wet floor).
What is a hazard?
A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm to someone (e.g. wet floor)
For a firm with more than 5 employees, a Health and Safety Policy Document should be issued. What 4 points must it contain?
- Policy setting out the organisation’s commitment to H&S
- Details of the organisations H&S structure, with roles and responsibilities.
- A risk assessment and preventative measures in place
- Details of the planning, implementation of the H&S policy and control measures.
Name the 5 levels of hierarchy risk control.
To reduce risk, the measures are below:
1. Elimination: redesign activity to remove the hazard
2. Substitution: e.g. replace materials with less hazardous ones.
3. Engineering Controls: use equipment such as ventilation to remove fumes.
4. Administrative Controls: identify and implement procedures such as lone working policy
5. PPE: if you cannot remove risk, then wear PPE.
What is a dynamic risk assessment?
Changing risks and hazards can occur on the day. It requires worker to continually re-evaluate the work, environment and themselves for risk.
What types of risk might require their own specific risk assessment?
- Fire safety
- Substances and chemicals
- Asbestos,
- Lifting equipment and machinery.
What are basic emergency preparations in a building?
- Detection (heat, smoke, carbon monoxide)
- Maintenance regimes
- Extinguishers
- Alarms
- Emergency lighting
- Evacuation procedures
What is occupational hygiene?
- Identifying and controlling exposure to harmful agents in the workplace. They advise on the range of control measures.
What is occupational health?
- Occupational health considers the physical and mental effects of work on health.
- Such as:
work-related stress,
mental health,
violence and bullying,
alcohol and drug misuse,
Give examples of bullying in the workplace.
- Ignoring or excluding someone
- Humiliating someone at work
- Spreading rumours
- Undervaluing someone’s work
Name some hazardous substances
- Asbestos,
- cleaning products such as bleach,
- pesticides,
- lead paint dusts,
- engine exhaust fumes,
- dusts and spores from mould.
What must a surveyor do before visiting a site?
- Risk assessment
- Check PPE requirements
- Contact site manager
Tell me some considerations when inspecting a site?
- Lone working – emergency arrangements
- Condition of a property – unsafe, derelict, security, site rules, PPE. Be aware of collapse of chimney stacks, leaning walls, rotten columns, broken glass.
- Occupation – is site occupied, who will you meet on the premises. Be aware of squatters, trespassers, discarded syringes, aggressive tenants.
- Roof – can roof be inspected from elsewhere rather than going onto the roof. BE aware of rotten/slippery roofs, unguarded roofs, high winds, falls from height
- Dangerous substances – asbestos, chemicals
- Diseases – syringes, vermin, biosecurity
What should be considered when lone working?
- Travel arrangements
- Does your manager/firm have your mobile number.
- How will you communicate in an emergency
- Does someone have a record of where you are and what time expected back
how can fires be caused?
- Natural event – lightning
- Chemical reaction
- Source of fuels
- Sparks from welding, heat-sealing
- Naked flames
- Damage electrical power circuits
What is CDM?
- Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015
- Main set of regulations for managing the health, safety and welfare of construction projects.
When appointing a contractor, what must you ensure?
- They are competent
- Member of a professional body
- Adequate insurance (employer liability insurance, contractor’s all risk insurance, public liability insurance and PII)
- References from other jobs
What does PPE at Work Regulations 2022 state?
- Employer duty to ensure provision of appropriate PPE (both employees and contractors).
What is purpose of the ‘Six Pack’ of H&S Regulations?
- Six Regulations introduced on 1st January 1993, known as the ‘Six Pack’, predominantly covering H&S guidance.
- They implement European Directives on H&S and how employers must comply with duties under H&S at Work Act 197.
What are the ‘Six Pack’ of H&S regulations?
The 6 regulations are:
1. Management of Health and Safety at Work
2. Display Screen Equipment
3. Manual Handling Operations
4. Personal Protective Equipment at Work
5. Provision and Use of Work Equipment
6. Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare.
What is RIDDOR 1995?
- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)
What does the ‘Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)’ state?
- Trigger date for reporting injuries is over 7 days incapacitation.
- Injury must be reported to HSE within 15 days from the date of the accident.
- All employers must keep a record of all 3-day plus injuries.
- Information must be kept in an accident book, which must be kept for minimum of 3 years after occupational accident or injury.
Who is responsible for H&S at CBRE?
- Global Workplace Safety Team
- Chris Kirkwood (EMEA UK – Director)
What do S2 say in H&S at Work Act?
Duty Employer to Employees - It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees.
What do S3 say in H&S at Work Act?
Duty to non-employees - It shall be the duty of every employer to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons not in his employment who may be affected thereby are not thereby exposed to risks to their health or safety.
What do S4 say in H&S at Work Act?
Duty of person in control of premises - outlines the duties of organisations to keep premises they own safe. The Act states, “Any person who has, to any extent control of…
Work premises
The means of access or egress
Any plant or substance in such premises
…has a duty to take all reasonable measures to ensure that all are safe and without risks to the health of both employees and non-employees.
What do S7 say in H&S at Work Act?
Duty of Employees to employer - very employee has the following two duties while at work:
To take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons who may be affected by his work
To co-operate with his employer so far as is necessary to enable the employer to comply with his own duties.